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New member here!

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    New member here!

    Good morning all! My name is Mike, I live in New Jersey, and have gone through a yearlong LDR with someone I met online, and got married to her. Currently living together now, and though LDR's are extremely difficult, we made it work and there were no roadblocks or issues at all. Smooth sailing from beginning to closing the distance... Will post on the success stories with full details on how it began and how we made it work. Thanks!

    Thank you and welcome Looking forward to reading your success story.
    Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
    Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
    Engaged: 09/26/2020


      Welcome to LFAD!
      Cannot wait to read.your success story. All the details needed lol
      "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


        Welcome to the community! And wee~ A success story! Those are always welcomed and encouraging =D

        Met online: 04.19.14
        Became a couple: 04.23.14
        First Visit: 08.09.14-08.15.14
        Second Visit: 12.17.14-12.28.14
        Third Visit: 02.13.15-02.15.15
        Fourth Visit: 04.03.15-04.06.15
        CLOSED THE DISTANCE/GOT MARRIED: 06.22.15/06.27.15


          Welcome to LFAD!

