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Hello from kinderkimber

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    Hello from kinderkimber

    I just wanted to introduce myself. I am a 36 year old single mother and kindergarten teacher in a LDR with my soulmate. He is 42 with two kids of his own. We actually met and started dating when I was 20. He was my first love. We dated for almost two years until I had to move home (another state) for financial reasons. We tried to make it work for almost 6 months but eventually lost contact. Then 2 years ago he found me on Facebook and we have been talking of and on ever since. We are currently 411 miles apart. Last month I went to see him for the first time. It was like the last 15 years never happened. We instantly connected. We feel back into our old joking ways and I even reconnected with his mother. After only a month we are engaged to be married. I have an 8 year old daughter from a previous marriage and he also has two kids (10 year old girl and 7 year old boy). They are all three very close in age. My daughter and I will be going up next month to spend 2 weeks with him and his kids and we plan on getting married then. I am in the process of getting court permission to relocate my daughter so we can be together as a family in his state. Once we are up there we plan on having a big wedding for our family and friends. That's our story.
    Last edited by Kinderkimber; July 12, 2014, 07:45 AM. Reason: Update

    Welcome to the forums It's great to have another 30-something in the group! We have a pretty similar story. My SO and I met in 1996 and dated (long distance even back then) for about a year. We decided to remain friends and then 4 yeas ago, he came to visit me after not seeing each other for 13 years and we realized we were still in love


      That's so great blankita719. I'm so happy for you guys!!

