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Hello Every one! Navy girlfriend here! I can't wait to get to know you all!

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    Hello Every one! Navy girlfriend here! I can't wait to get to know you all!

    Hi everyone! Boy am I so glad to have found this forum! My name is Chloe I am 21 years old and currently in the United Kingdom BOO and I am in a LDR with my boyfriend Jed who is 22 years old and currently stationed in the navy in Washington USA. On the 24th August 2014 I flew to WA to spend the week with him and it was quite literally the best week of my life, our connection is so strong between us even to the point I give him electric shocks when I touch him hehe I just couldn't imagine life without him and walking away from him to fly home was the most heart wrenching experience that I never want to go through again.

    We had previously talked about marriage but once we were together we both knew we could not bare to be a part at least not for too long and on the 30th August a day before I flew home Jed popped the question in the cheesecake factory! Of course I said yes but no way could I eat cheesecake after that lol!

    So we're currently planning our wedding hopefully fingers crossed for December 2014! It's so hard to plan a wedding when you're not in the country! Luckily his family are super supportive and helping with all the arrangements, Jed's grandma called the day I was leaving and offered to pay for my wedding gown! I broke down in tears when she offered, it's so nice of her considering she hasn't met me yet!

    I wish we could get married earlier so we wouldn't have to spend so long a part but I have surgery in Nov to remove a kidney so I can't really go anywhere until that's done

    I am so glad to of found this forum, I can't wait to get to know everyone and make friends who are going through similar! There will always be an element of LDR with me and Jed with him being in the military, we're only going to have 8 months together before he's off on deployment for 6 months but at least it'll be him walking away this time! I couldn't do it again my heart would break!!

    Thank you for reading I can't wait to meet you all!

    First of all, welcome to the forum. It's nice to have another military LDR here =) so welcome

    Second, if you believe the deployment will be easier just because he will be the one "walking away" it will not. It's still incredibly hard.
    I wish you both the best of luck with this LDR and congrats on the engagement!
    "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


      Thank you so much! I know it's still going to be extremely difficult but atleast my oh will get to understand how hard it is walking away from the one you love, I was a blubbering mess and probably will be when he leaves for deployment too LOL


        Your welcome. I know how hard deployment is, so if you ever need to talk, whine, cry or rant. I'm here lol it helps to have a good friend to talk to while you feel like you're going insane lol
        It'll be hard for him, but he also depending on where he's stationed, he won't have much time to think about it. While he's busy that is...during down time is another story
        "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."




            Originally posted by Unconditional View Post
            Your welcome. I know how hard deployment is, so if you ever need to talk, whine, cry or rant. I'm here lol it helps to have a good friend to talk to while you feel like you're going insane lol
            It'll be hard for him, but he also depending on where he's stationed, he won't have much time to think about it. While he's busy that is...during down time is another story
            Thank you so much for that, when we first met he was deployed in Japan but it was more towards the end of deployment so he wasn't so busy and with the time difference it was easy to talk to him. He's only been back in the states a little less than a month and he's not back in his shop yet so he's not as busy but with the time difference it's been hard talking, but since I've only recently gotten back from visiting him my sleep schedule is still the same as his but it means I'm awake all night here LOL luckily with my upcoming surgery I can stay awake all night and sleep all day so my days well nights are filled with chatting to him and wedding planning. Not sure how it's going to be when he's deployed as I'll be stateside and he's being deployed somewhere in Europe! Typical I'm leaving europe and he's being deployed here :| but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, will probably need lots of support LOL


              Well, that's what I'm here for! ^-^
              "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."

