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Bout Time I Got Around To This!

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    Bout Time I Got Around To This!

    Well I think it's about time I got around to introducing myself to you guys. (Though I've been around for about a year now lol)
    I'm a 19 year old girl (almost 20) from Michigan, USA and
    I am currently in college to get my Associate's Degree in Science which I had originally wanted to continue into the Veterinary Medicine occupation but am now thinking about becoming a Geneticist with respect to animal genetics. However, I need to do more research about that as of now. Now, I like to think of myself as a simple kind of gal I love music, reading, watching movies (and now anime xD), asking questions, and making others laugh. I would describe myself as a country girl, but I won't lend myself to that stereotype, but will merely say I love agriculture and everything to do with it, which luckily includes animals. I've taken care of horses, raised a couple calves and had raised THE best lamb ever for fair in 2013.

    I guess I'll introduce my relationship as well as who knows how long it would be until I would be getting around to finally posting that!
    Annnnnywho, my SO and I have known each other for a little more than a year and a half (will be two years this late spring) now, we haven't been together for that long as last spring we lost communication and fell for two people who just were not good for us. He re-appeared in my life again maybe a month after my last relationship, which was coincidentally another LDR, but the coincidences don't stop there, both my SO and my ex are not only both Canadian, but both from Alberta, and even from the same city! It's crazy I know, and believe me it through me for a leap when I started realizing I had feelings for my now SO. Continuing on, (be patient with me guys, I'm kind of winging it here as there is so much for me to tell) my SO and I, well mainly I, revealed my feelings to him only last month. (As it turns out, he's had feelings for me pretty much since we started talking- and I realize now that my feelings developed over the time I've known him) We have always thought that we've been connected in some way. It was merely by chance that I came back to the website we met on, because I was originally thinking of quitting but decided to get on and go to what I guess you could call a "group hang" with random people, and I met him. Immediately it was like no one else was there, it was just me and him. He was sarcastic and funny and just caught me completely off guard all the time with his wit. It wasn't only that though, over time he became a great friend, one of my best friends to be exact.

    In fall of 2013 I had a rather huge health scare, and my health just seemed to plummet with no intent of it going back to "normal." At one point I was so scared I asked him:
    "What if I don't wake up?" (talking about waking up from surgery)
    To which he said something along the lines of, "Don't worry you're gonna wake up. Everything will be okay."

    I know that little conversation doesn't seem like much, but at that moment, during that time it meant the world to me. It meant a lot for someone to finally tell me positive instead of treating me as if I had a death sentence. During this time I saw the pity in everyone eyes, I heard it in their voice; my family my friends all of them treated me different. They were so sad that I didn't ever want them to know that I actually did fear for my life, so I tried to remain positive, but after a while that tears you up inside trying to maintain positivity when all around you is sorrow. (sorry, I'm trying my best to explain how much that meant to me, and after a year my thoughts are still jumbled lol well I tried.)

    My SO means more than I could tell you. He's patient, kind, funny, sweet and he actually makes time for me. (Which for all of you that knew about my past relationship you know that was something I sort of had to settle on was getting used to his job being number one and taking all his time.) Anywho, he treats me so much better and I kind of think I deserve it. I'm finally truly happy.

    Also, I am currently trying to plan a trip out there as we haven't met yet and it looks like I can hopefully go there later this summer- should everything go as I want it to. (Hopefully)

    I'm sorry this was so long you guys, I tried to introduce myself(and my relationship) as best I could so yep! =)

    Edit: Feel free to ask any questions should you have them as I'm kind of an open book, and my thoughts were so jumbled there may be confusion lol
    Last edited by Unconditional; January 20, 2015, 09:05 PM. Reason: misspellings, misspellings everywhere!
    "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."

    Nice to get to know you, Unconditional. Coincidences, coincidences everywhere!


      Originally posted by Honour View Post
      Nice to get to know you, Unconditional. Coincidences, coincidences everywhere!
      Pleasure's mine ^-^
      Haha yeah tell me about it!
      "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."

