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LDR virgin saying Hi

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    LDR virgin saying Hi

    My name is Bill and wanting to introduce myself tonight. This is a LONG read. My apologies there's too much to say.

    My girlfriend and I have known each other since Feb 2 this year. Renny is from Mexico and I'm from Canada.

    We message often, from first thing in the morning. Till around midnight. We talk every couple of days. We have also started video chatting, which helps to bring us much closer. We understand each other the best we can, we both know if something's wrong even though we're so far apart.

    We truly have a one of a kind connection. We can talk about everything and anything. We're patient with each other on many levels. Our bond gets stronger each day and through each issue. I've written several poems, have linked many songs to each other.

    I have sent her, her first gift. Flowers she received and it was great. She has 2 sons. Oh and they're not babies, they are 21 & 15. Have I stepped in off the deep end or what. Well I know what to expect, video games and cars.
    I play video games and I have a collection of toy cars.

    We both have fears about meeting, and we both let each other know it will be a good visit. We have talked and agree I'll live there through a work visa to start.
    Oh what she does is an Elementary school teacher, as well a higher education instructor. Me well job#1 in a Stationary warehouse, then #2 in a transport warehouse shipping even the kitchen sink, lol.

    We compliment each other, praise each other, admire each other., support each other etc. Love isn't just a 4 letter word, it's the knowledge that comes with it. It's Reality and Fantasy.

    Thanks for allowing me to describe us in a few words.

    Last edited by Bwarr; May 6, 2015, 06:23 AM. Reason: Mispelling

    Welcome, Bill. You'll find the support, ideas, and advice on this forum perfect for a first LDR
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      Thank You very much.

