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Blessed with a 2nd Chance!

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    Blessed with a 2nd Chance!

    Hi all! I'm Nae, and I'm so happy I found this site! LDR are far from easy but it definitely helps to have the support of others who understand first hand, exactly what your going through!

    With that said, let me tell you a bit about my 2nd chance...

    I met RJ in March of 2000 when him and his family moved to the block I lived on in NY. I was 14 and he was 15. He was such a sweetheart. We became friends and in June 2000, he asked me to be his girlfriend. A week later I told him that my family had confirmed their plans on moving to Florida. I thought for sure he would have broken things off with me but he didn't. Instead he saw how sad it made me and he would make me laugh an come up with crazy ideas to keep me in NY. Months passed and even though I was so young, I knew I had the strongest connection with him. I loved him, and he loved me. We were each others first for EVERYTHING. He was my absolute best friend. Which made things extremely hard when I moved to Florida in August of 2001.
    He was 17, I was 16.

    Months passed, he came down to visit. I went up to visit visit. But maintaining a LDR at that age with the technology the way it was, felt impossible. So we made the decision to just be friends. Years passed, I got married and had my daughter and son. He got married and had 2 daughters. No matter how far life seemed to take us in different directions, we always kept in touch with eachother. In 2013 I began to have marital problems and did everything I could to fix it. After I made the decision to end my marriage in 2014, I sent an email to RJ (who I had not spoke to in a few months) to see how him and his family was, as I had always done in the past. Except this time, he told me he was getting a divorce with his wife.

    Ever since then we have been inseparable. Our ex’s moved out, and our friendship grow to something more. We have been officially a couple for the 2nd time around since Oct 2014. We visit eachother once a mth, and we are appreciating the 2nd chance we have been blessed with!

    Hi Nae,

    I love your story. Thank you for sharing. I believe in second chances as well. Though mine is a bit different than yours. Here's to second chance.

    All the best,

