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    Hi, don't really know what to do for introductions but thought I'd better have a go... Sounds like nothing compared to what some of you go through with half the world between some of you and your special people, but my boyfriend and I are in second year of uni and see each other every 2 (if we're lucky) to 3 weeks for a weekend. Really sucky sometimes and want somewhere to go vent when I'm not feeling great but don't want to bog him down with it all. Half way through the 3 years of this routine and I really can't wait for the end of nobody to cuddle with, empty beds and feeling like I'm in a relationship with my phone. We try to call every day and exchange some texts during the day but it's hard when he has a busy timetable and lots of hobbies but my hobbies - cooking, reading, watching films, playing music - I cannot get into doing with anyone but him but I hate the loneliness of it all. It's definitely worth it and love him to pieces but it's really hard to enjoy the times when he's not here or when I'm not on the phone with him.

    I don't know anybody else in our situation so it would be great to get to hear about some of your stories surprising how venting really helps in a way, so thanks for reading! hope you're all having lovely days

    Well my situation is very different from yours, but I feel like you can learn from those of us who are in a situation where we go for months, sometimes even years, before getting to have visits with our SOs again. When you can't see them, you have to learn how to enjoy time apart for what it is. It's extremely hard to be away, don't get me wrong, and I believe even harder when you see them on a regular basis because you don't even get a chance to really get used to being apart before you see each other again. Basically, you can't live you life always waiting for those three weeks to be over. You only live once, so try your hardest to enjoy the little things even if your SO isn't there.


      Hi welcome to LFAD. This site has been tremendous for me in terms of support, encouragement and inspiration. We all have different factors of distance but that's the one thing everyone here has in common. Welcome and I hope this site is as wonderful to you on your journey as it has been to me


        Hi and welcome! When i was younger i used to date a girl who i saw once every 2 to 3 weeks so i know how it is to be in your situation. My SO i'm currently with i haven't even met yet and doesn't look like we'll meet for while, so i'm bit more hard done by now haha.
        my girls <3

        Josie (SO)
        Met online ~ 17th August 2017 ~
        Met in person ~ 30th August 2017 ~
        Became official ~ 15th September 2017 ~
        Closed the distance and moved in together! ~ 18th June 2018 ~

        Met online ~ 21st November 2018 ~
        Met in person ~ 26th November 2018 ~
        Became official ~ 4th December 2018 ~
        All moved in together! ~ 30th May 2019 ~


          Hi and welcome,

          I have been long distance for more than two years. For about 1 1/2 years of that time we saw each other quite a lot, usually once a month for week. Obviously I was not working full time and I also had (still have) a very understanding boss. For various reasons that is about to change and currently I don't know when I will see him next. But there were times where I saw him twice a month due to shifts in the scedule, I noticed I got quite stressed from all the travelling, I feel a bit relieved that I will not travel as much (international travels take up a lot of time and money),but of course I will miss it as well.

          I think there is a big chance that you can get into watching movies, cooking etc. without him - if you want to, you can always set aside some special things for him, but why the whole genre? - with cooking you can even surprise him with learning new skills until next time you see him. It is important to enjoy yourself, with or without him. Even if just to have something to talk to him about
          I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
          - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

          "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


            We're soon 4 years LDR we don't see each other anywhere near enough. Don't even get to talk daily right now. Our life line is what's app notes we send daily however little. I'm soon to book tickets to go see him in New Mexico! I've seen him several times before but never in his home town and never met his family before so that will be huge for us.

            It is hard for sure. This forum is great. Welcome!


              MissingMyDutchLove: Thank you for your inspiring reply I'm not usually as pathetic and sad sounding as my first post - guess some days just really get to me. But you're right, I am more counting down the days than enjoying what is now. I need to change my attitude about this and think I'm going to try to do this by getting closer to the friends that are near me.
              I really admire people like you who can be so far away from each other and still be so strong!

              differentcountries: wow international flights every month! Must be really hard work for you both. About the hobbies thing I meant they're all things that if we were together, I'd spend time doing with him, but rarely do with friends I live with. I'm really bad at being alone but tried the baking society, and joined a book club for a few months but didn't enjoy them. I don't enjoy sports, but that would be ideal because it's a good way to be close with other people.

              Wow never expected this many replies !!!!!!!! Really great to hear other people's stories when before I was the only person I knew who was in a ldr - get fed up of hearing that I should just end it and that it's a stupid thing to put myself through, when yes there are really hard times, but it also makes phone calls and being together so much more precious.
              Last edited by Beccaeatscake; December 13, 2015, 05:50 AM.


                Welcome to the forums, you live about 2 hours or so from me :P I'm in Anglesey, North Wales.


                  Hello, are you at Liverpool uni? I'm a Liverpool graduate from many years ago! I'm now across the water from you on the wirral. Anyway, there is LOADS of stuff to get stuck into in Liverpool, it's an awesome city to be a student in. Get out, meet people and make the most of being a student

                  Can you at least get a student railcard to help meet the costs of trains to Liverpool and Sheffield?


                    I am too in a LDR similar to yours. My SO lives on newcstle and I am in essex, and we see eachother once a month if we are lucky. I understand your pain!
                    The weeks drag for so long but when the day finally comes, it's perfect.

                    Keep strong, annd PM me if ypu want to chat! I think we would have some rants in common!

