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    Hi, I'm Enric. I found this website about 1 week ago and I finally signed on.

    I'm not english-speaker and I'm a pretty shy guy. I'm not sure about I will talk much here but I want to try.

    I found a very nice girl in a chat 2 months ago. She lives almost 10.000 Km far of me, in another side of the wolrd. She has a very different nationality and origins. We don't share the same religious beliefs. Her first language and mine are very different and we talk one each other in english, but with a bit difficulties specially orally. I'm almost 3 years younger than her, I have no job, I'm almost a novice in relationships. I'm used to be an antisocial and depressive person, full of worries.

    So I guess this relationship sounds impossible even for other LDR couples. I sometimes think I'm crazy for be with her. But We love and want one each other. She could try to find a better guy in her country, but she choosed me and accepted me.

    She's gonna visite me in february if nothing changes. So I hope our relationship can work good.

    I hope I wrote a right introduction. Greetings to everybody.
    Why am I always trying the impossible?

    Hello Enric
    Welcome to the LFAD community! :]


      hey! welcome to LFAD

      you don't even have to post much to be on this website, it's always great to read other people's stories and advice, and if you want.. to put your input in as well!

      my boyfriend and i just joined less than 2 weeks ago, and this site has helped us so much

      i hope your relationship works out!


        Welcome to LFAD =]


          Welcome to LFAD!

          Your story with your girlfriend sounds very sweet and I wish you the best of luck when she comes to see you


            Hi Enric, welcome to LFAD

            I hope you can find all the support you need here
            In a relationship with

            Read mine & Tanja's story here!

            My Albums:
            Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
            Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
            My dog Sam ♥


              Welcome to LFAD, Enric!


                welcome to LFAD! I hope you find all you're looking for here.


                  Welcome to the forum!!!!


                    Thanks to everybody.

                    I do think the relationship, at least until now, is quite sweet.
                    Why am I always trying the impossible?


                      Welcome to LFAD!
                      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                        Welcome to LFAD, I hope you find it to be a great support to you!


                          Hi Enric and welcome to LFAD! Just keep posting a lot, it will help you improve your English too!


                            First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14


