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Been here a while and no so active

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    Been here a while and no so active

    Hello All,
    I have been around and not to active my life is so busy I wonder how I sleep sometimes. Anyways, I am currently in Colorado He is in Maryland, we meet in person in Jan were together for about 10 weeks and then he got a work transfer he put in for before we met. We were unsure of trying the distance thing but we did and it has worked great for us. We are sort of luckier than most both of our jobs allow us to travel so since his move we have seen each other almost monthly. In june he asked me to move in with him and "sort of" proposed so I'm 18 days from moving, being crazy busy and now starting to have second thoughts, Its a huge move for me not so much for him. However his job pays more and is more stable (my current job ends in dec so I'd have to find one then anyway) So when I said yes I thought is was the right thing now that I'm packing and getting ready to go I am flipping out and having second thoughts, cold feet maybe? Anyway thats me in nutshell I'll be on a lot in the next few weeks I need support!


    Maryland's not a bad place to live Have you ever visited, or will this be the first time when you move?
    I hear ya on being busy... I work more than 60 hours a week and also try to spend as much time as possible with my kids, who split their time between my ex and I- the window of time I have for "everything else" in life is wayyy too small!

    It sounds a lot like cold feet... it's a big change, and one you never even envisioned a year ago! Doubts and questions are to be expected with any major life change such as this, it's the mind's natural and healthy reaction to it. If this feels right, deep down, then follow your heart and enjoy the ride. It's great that you're in position to be able to close the distance, I'm so happy for you!!
    We collided and fell out of nothingness... scattering stars like dust


      Welcome to the forum finally. I think it sounds like you're just a little nervous to have such a big change and I think you'll be happy with the move in the end, but no one can decide that for you. You have to decide if what you're feeling is just a little nerves or if it's your sub-concious telling you this is not what you want. Make sure you talk to him through this. Let him know you're feeling nervous. Maybe reassurance from him is what you really need. Or maybe you'll both decide it would be better to wait. Good luck
      First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14



        I'm sure you'll get a lot of use from the advice on here

        I'm sure second thoughts are very common in situations like yours, especially when things have happened so fast, and no doubt feel even faster if you're so busy! But stay posotive, I'm sure everything will work out just fine and you'll be very happy you went through with it in years to come
        In a relationship with

        Read mine & Tanja's story here!

        My Albums:
        Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
        Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
        My dog Sam ♥


          Welcome! I live in Maryland lol


            Welcome to the Forum!!!! Glad you finally wrote!
            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


              Welcome, and hey - we all understand being busy. Feel free to chime in or lurk as much as you want hun

              LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                Welcome to the forums! I'm sure second thoughts are normal in this kind of situation


                  I have visited 3 times with my SO and once with the exhusband and once for work. I share custody of my kids and I think that more than anything has been my biggest cold feet issue. I feel better though and I'm almost packed I'll be ready to go before I can go!


                    welcome..i think its normal to have those feelings right before something major in your life. Good luck to you!


                      Welcome, hope it is all still going well!


                        Welcome to LFAD! Even though you'll be closing the distance soon

                        Only a week to go now right? I'm happy for you

