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    Hello all

    Thought i'd pop by and introduce myself as I just joined. My OH and I have been together about 2 years now, and have been long distance the vast majority of that time!

    He's in the army and is frequently away overseas, and based about 600 miles from me day to day. I moved from North America to the UK to be closer to him (and to go back to school) earlier this year and he promptly got deployed! I had him back for a few months, but he's recently been deployed again As of now, its looking like he'll be away around 9 months out of the year, and at least 6 for next year.

    I'm usually pretty good with the separations, but for some reason this latest deployment is really getting me down and I'm finding the distance tough. Actually, to be more specific I am finding the lack of communications hard! We've gone from spending most weekends together and being able to text/call/skype whenever we want to one or two messages on whatsapp a day and one 15 minute dodgy-connection phone call a of course I end up talking to his army self, not my wonderful loving partner.

    Anyways, I won't ramble on, but I am hoping to chat with other people who might understand that you can love someone to bits and be absolutely committed to them, but still hate the distance!

    Hi and welcome!

