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from Europe to Canada

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    from Europe to Canada

    Hello everyone!

    Online, I tend to go by Fast Forward - a name I initially chose 10 years ago after my first breakup; I just could not wait for the pain to be over and wanted to literally fast forward to the end of that chapter. But also, I am very much type A and impatience is my middle name. So this is an username that truly sticks to me.

    I have been in a long distance relationship for a couple months now. When exactly did we start calling it a relationship, I am not sure. Things kind of developed that way.
    We met mid April. My classes had ended after a long and tiring year and a horrible breakup in winter, so I treated myself to a solo trip to Portugal. Funny thing is I should have never met my boyfriend. I was not at all supposed to go to Lagos. I was set to meet a chef in a small town not too far away but it was a Sunday and there was only one bus which I missed by 5 minutes. My hostel roommates suggested going on a trip to Lagos with them and staying in this party hostel. Since my plans had not worked out, I agreed. Best decision ever!
    The first thing I noticed about him was his backpack - or actually the Canadian flag on it. My thought was literally "Huh, a Canadian. This place is really international". Random. A few hours later, I got to know him on a hostel pub crawl. We started chatting, he bought me a drink and all of a sudden, we were making out. We were the first ones back in the hostel and this is how I realized he had the bunk bed under mine.
    The next day, we went to the beach. My suggestion, my new friends and him decided to come along... And he kind of stuck to me. I was intrigued. I had no intention on falling for anyone as I was still getting over my ex and I even told him so. Still, we got along fine. I drove back to Faro where I took a plane home the following day and my heart was quite heavy. We added each other on Instagram and Facebook and started chatting. I was the one who started talking, but he swears he would have kept in touch as well... I still think he would have labelled it a nice ONS had I not gotten in touch right away, and I say that thinking that would have been acceptable too, but what it turned into is much better.

    Turned out he was going to London the same weekend I was going for a show. So we made plans to meet up again. And I spent the night with him again. That time we kept talking -and I do mean talking - until 7 am. And in the evening we knew that we had started developing feelings for each other. We have been talking every day since. I don't remember how long it took him to ask me to be exclusive (and that was still before defining the relationship) but it was just a few weeks later. I admit, it felt like it was too early to me, but I wanted to see where this would go. Funny enough, it later turned out he felt it was too early too but he was worried he might lose me if he didn't make it clear he wanted to see where things could go.

    End of July he finally bought tickets to come and visit me in Dublin. I had been asking him to do so for months as I had made the mistake before to put all the effort in a LDR and my partner never coming my way. By the time he had his tickets I knew I was falling for him and when I had the confirmation he would come and visit, I just couldn't believe it.
    We had a fantastic time. I nearly ditched him at the airport, but decided to stick it out and after an awkward half hour, it felt like we had never been physically apart.

    Now, I have difficulties with relationships and my last one had been particularly abusive. I never thought I could get as comfortable with another person again, but I did. I can tell him things I usually would not give away and I feel like I am home. Since he came to visit, the distance has been a lot more difficult on me as I totally lost my cool. I know I am in love with him now, and with this, my fears come back up that it will not last. Being the amazing guy he is, he reassures me we are doing well each and every day and his patience never stops baffling me.

    I am going to visit him in less than 3 weeks - closer to 2 weeks and I am super excited. I have never been to Montreal and I am sure seeing where he lives is going to change the dynamics of our relationship yet again - and hopefully help me get rid of my doubts that are plaguing me.
    We also have plans to close the distance in August/September. I am supposed to move there for a year and he is super excited to move in with me; he has never lived away from his parents. Everything feels so easy and right with him and I am hopeful that we will beat the distance and remain as awesome as we are.

    Thanks for reading this and I am looking forward to interesting discussions!

    What a nice story. Hope your visit goes well!


      Welcome here Good luck with the visit too
      I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
      - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

      "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


        Thanks guys

