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Greetings from an (obviously) blind newbie who couldn't SEE the Introduction section.

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    Greetings from an (obviously) blind newbie who couldn't SEE the Introduction section.

    Hi guys!

    I'm Louise, a 22-year-old Dane whose boyfriend of 4 months, Morten, went to South Africa 4 days ago = what seems like an eternity already

    He's going as a volunteer for 1½ months, then off to Australia to backpack and work.. and visit New Zealand for about a month in the end.
    In total it's probably gonna be 9 months.. 9 LONG months.......

    But he HAD to go. He'd started making arrangements even before we got together, and had a lot planned when we were merely casual.. he had his doubts right before leaving, but I insisted...
    And I'm actually the one responsible for his trip in the first place - because when we started hanging out as friends in August last year I'd just come home from a year of traveling/working in New Zealand and kept blabbering about it - right up until May this year when we got involved... from then on I kept my mouth shut because I didn't want him to leave, lol!!
    But no, seriously, it WAS an amazing year.... so on one hand I'm SO excited for him to get the same opportunity - but on the other, having your SO on the other side of the planet isn't much fun....... something you can all relate to - obviously.

    I'm in the middle of a full-time one-semester course in classical drawing, something I'm very passionate about, so of course he shouldn't stay put but go do something he'd always wanted
    This is merely a test - and if we make it I'm sure we'll come out on the other side a happier, stronger couple..

    If I have the money I might get the opportunity to go visit and travel with him in late March once I finish my studies, but even 6 months seem like forever!

    So.. hi! a newbie with a brave face, carrying a serious amount of heartache checking in...

    Welcome. And I LOVE your hats!

    If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


      Hi Louise, welcome to the forums

      I love that picture!
      In a relationship with

      Read mine & Tanja's story here!

      My Albums:
      Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
      Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
      My dog Sam ♥


        Welcome to the site! Awesome picture
        First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14


          I love the picture! You two look so adorable =]


            Hi Louise!! Welcome to LFAD!

            I love your picture! You two are so cute together!


              Welcome the LFAD site! :]


                It's great that you can be so supportive of something that sounds like such a great opportunity for him! I know it's not easy though!!!


                  Hi Louise - great pic!


                    Welcome!!! How wonderful of you for being soo supportive!!

                    Great picture!
                    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                      Welcome to the forums! You'll find that this place is a great spot to help with positivity and heartache.

                      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                        Thanks for the warm welcome, guys

                        And thanks^^ - I've always loved that picture.. too bad we didn't get the fish hats after trying them on.. 'cause come to think of it, that codfish (or whatever it is) would really add to my wardrobe


                          Welcome to the community!


                            awww, your last sentence made me tear up. Welcome here, 9 months will FLY by!

