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    I'm a nerdy, glasses-wearing, sarcastic, animal-loving, 27 year-old baker from Nevada. I'm madly in love with my equally nerdy, sarcastic, scruffy, animal-loving, 26 year-old boyfriend who is currently making his way to Atlanta.

    After finally (with so much encouragement from friends and family) leaving an abusive ex last year, I took a chance on a dating app. I wasn't expecting much and to be honest, I had simply joined after some encouragement from family and friends -- they believed that maybe going on a few dates would show me just who was out there, to not only boost my growing confidence but to reaffirm my choice in leaving my ex.

    And then, he messaged me.

    And well, my life changed drastically after that. After many months, he had not only physically helped me move the rest of my things out of my exes' home, but he stood by my side and so kindly, so sweetly, held my hand while I went through the night terrors and trauma of past relationship. He encouraged me. Cheered me on. Helped in any way he could to let my heart, soul and body heal. Never once did he even think of leaving and he constantly reminded me of this when, in my moments of sadness, I asked him why he would bother to stand by someone so broken and damaged. He would also remind me that I wasn't damaged and that I wasn't broken -- that I had just let someone tell me I was but that that man had made it his mission to try and destroy every part of my being. He told me that my ex would never win. He would never break me because only I was in charge of what damage I would let my ex truly inflict on me. Because of my boyfriend, months later, I was able to let go of that pain.

    Fast forward, we're pretty freakin' in love with each other. He's the dad to my rabbit, Luna Lovegood and to my husky mix, Athena. And I'm the mother to his two cats, Zelda and Annabel -- it seems silly but to animal lovers, you know the importance of having your babies loving your partner!

    Anyways, as an artist, he was offered a job at a studio in Atlanta. After lots of talking and encouragement, two days ago, he loaded the girls up and headed to Atlanta. As happy as I am for him, I miss him so. It feels like my heart is not with me..

    We have an end-game. We're hoping that I can move there at the end of April (which alone, brings so many emotions forward because my family and friends are here..) but for the meantime, it's long distance and it sucks. It sucks big time. I hope in time, the tears will stop falling and that gaping hole won't hurt as much but I'm pretty sure... that's not in the cards.

    Welcome to LFAD! Glad to see you here.


      Lmao, I love your username, welcome to the forums.

