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    Not exactly new

    I’ve had this account since June 2016, but one relationship ended and a new one began. I joined this site originally because I was dating a guy in Australia, I’m in the US. That relationship ended, mostly because of family drama, but distance and other aspects didn’t exactly help

    I started dating a guy and it was anything but long distance. He lives in the neighborhood next to my mom’s. So summer was fantastic, but now I’m away at school and find myself in another LDR. Granted, I’m only 2.5 hours away and visit every other weekend for the most part. It’s barely long distance, especially compared to my previous relationship where we never even got to meet. But still far enough away that if we need each other, I can’t just drive a few minutes to his house. We can’t have date nights all the time. I appreciate being in the same time zone and visiting so often though

    Now I know both worlds, LDR and no distance. And very long distance/online vs barely any distance. Plus now I know how it feels when an LDR ends