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Hi everybody, looking to meet people with similar situation...

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    Hi everybody, looking to meet people with similar situation...

    I know I'm not the only one around with a long distance relationship but these days I've been trying so hard to talk to someone as this pandemic has left me with no real friends, which was good to notice the bad people around so I wouldn't be wasting more time, but now I'm on my own. It's not new to me, but it's starting to get hard since my boy had to travel for work but with the passing days I've noticed him more quiet... He's not good expressing his feelings while I'm mad because pandemic doesn't let me travel right now...

    Looking to talk to someone soon,
    hope everyone is doing great


    Hi muchachita! And welcome.

    You have lots of company here. So if you feel frustrated, lonely, sad, happy, or just want to vent, don't be afraid to tell us. There are plenty of people here that will give you all kinds of support, advice, and encouragement.

    Everyone has been affected by the pandemic in some way. Two years ago my SO left to be with her mother (in the Philippines) who had major surgery with a long recovery. She would have been back here a year ago except for the pandemic shutting everything down there. Then my SO caught the virus herself, and was in serious condition. She is doing better now but is still in the hospital because of the long recovery. 3 months now, and hopes to be released soon.


      Welcome Muchachita!

      Plenty of nice people here who understand what it takes to be in a LDR. Feel free to share whenever you need.
      "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
      -Charles Dickens


        Originally posted by OhioJim View Post
        Hi muchachita! And welcome.

        You have lots of company here. So if you feel frustrated, lonely, sad, happy, or just want to vent, don't be afraid to tell us. There are plenty of people here that will give you all kinds of support, advice, and encouragement.

        Everyone has been affected by the pandemic in some way. Two years ago my SO left to be with her mother (in the Philippines) who had major surgery with a long recovery. She would have been back here a year ago except for the pandemic shutting everything down there. Then my SO caught the virus herself, and was in serious condition. She is doing better now but is still in the hospital because of the long recovery. 3 months now, and hopes to be released soon.
        I really hope you can be together soon!
        D and I are separated because of his work and in the meantime we hope neither of us will get sick. It is difficult since at this time the interviews to acquire a visa in mx are being scheduled until next year and I can't fly, but we try to be positive about it and be together before this year ends 😪


          thank you <3


            Hi, muchachita!
            Like what others said, you have lots of company here! I'd like to be one of them, please let me know if you wanna talk any time.
            For your concerns, I'm wondering how long he has been traveling and how often you guys talk normally.
            But still don't be mad or be angry with yourself for you can't travel with him for the pandemic. If he is not a nicer talker, be patient and try to communicate with him to know his thoughts.


              thank you!!!

