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    Hey everyone I'm Sid from Texas. I'm nineteen years old and just recently got into a long distance relationship ironically shortly after I swore I would never get into one again. My love Reese and I met on a Harry Potter roleplaying site. (We're nerds we know.) I was with someone at the time the relationship that failed so miserably I'd sworn never to put myself back into a long distance relationship again, but we got to be close friends originally our only plans for talking were to discuss plots in our roleplay, but we ended up instead talking to eachother about difficult life related stuff and getting married in frilly aprons. We ended up falling for eachother before either of us knew what was happening and now here we are. :P We have plans to meet for the first time either this December or early in January depending when I can get off work.

    I decided to join this site because I want things between Reese and I to work out. Aside from the distance thing we also have the fact that we're both transgendered. I'm a female to male transsexual not yet on hormones and not yet having any sort of surgery and he identifies as androgynous though leaning more towards the masculine side of the spectrum. It hasn't posed any problems yet actually it's rather nice because we really understand eachother's discomfort in our own bodies, but I have a serious fear that once I do start physically transitioning I'll change into someone he won't love anymore. Which I suppose seems odd, but I have a great deal of other ftm trans friends who have lost partners because of how much transition changed them. It's probably just me being twitchy, but it worries me none the less.

    I also think it'll be great to have people to talk to about being in a long distance relationship because currently I don't have much of anyone to share the woes and joys of it with or to get help from whenever trouble may arise. (It hasn't yet, but we haven't even hit the dreaded three month mark yet so that's not too surprising.)

    Hmm well as far as I go I'm a pretty boring guy I like comic books, anime, Harry Potter, poetry, WoW (I play on a private server because I'm poor XD.), bicycling, roleplaying, and general writing.

    I hope this site will help you :]
    Welcome the LFAD community!


      Thank you very much. =D


        Welcome to the forum! My boyfriend is from Texas! haha


          Welcome to LFAD. We're a pretty open group here, and I know what you're going through is difficult. I wish you all the best of luck in taking care of the sex change.

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


            I know how you feel. I was in an LDR and it was the worse thing ever...and I swore i would NEVER be in another one..Then here comes Mark all supermanish and such..and here I am. Welcome to the forums, this is a great place.


              Welcome to LFAD!
              First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14



                Hi Sid, welcome to LFAD
                In a relationship with

                Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                My Albums:
                Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                My dog Sam ♥


                  Welcome, I'm sure you'll get lots of good advice on here


                    Welcome to LFAD Sid!


                      Welcome Sid!
                      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                        Hi there Sid! Welcome to LFAD!!

