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    Hi all,

    My name's Stephanie and I just joined this site. I happened upon it after my boyfriend and I got back together and wanted to make some major changes in the way we handled our previous LDR.

    Needless to say, this website has been very enlightening and comforting, in a way, to know that you're not alone.

    So I suppose I should give a quick bio here: My boyfriend and I met in high school and began dating in our Senior year. We went to different colleges (about 300 miles away, not too bad compared to some!) and decided to continue our relationship. It was bumpy for the next two years, with lots of trust issues and too much hurt for us to continue seeing each other in a healthy light, so we broke it off.

    Six months after no contact, we found out we still loved each other, and that we had done some soul-searching and growing up. On top of that, we still have crazy chemistry! Both of us are now willing participants in this LDR and look forward to a time when we can be in a proximal relationship, something we would've never done before.

    I'm looking forward to engaging in this community!

    Thanks for reading,


    Hello Stephanie :]
    Welcome to the LFAD community!


      Welcome! I look forward to hearing more from you!


        Welcome to LFAD! I hope that this time around you and your SO will have the strength and wisdom from lessons learned last time and make it!


          Hi! Welcome to LFAD


            Hello :'D. I am also separated by 300 miles :P. You'll learn to love it here :'D. Warning, we're all a little strange XP.


              Hi Stephanie, welcome to LFAD
              In a relationship with

              Read mine & Tanja's story here!

              My Albums:
              Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
              Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
              My dog Sam ♥


                Welcome to LFAD! We've got a lot of people who have gotten back together and decided to try an LDR. I hope you enjoy it here.

                LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                  Welcome to the community!


                    Welcome to LFAD, Stephanie!


                      Hi Stephanie and welcome to the LFAD family


                        Welcome, im still new as well, you will love it here, lots of things that can make ur day better and gives you hope, hey if so and so can do it after all THAT then i can too have fun exploring


                          Welcome to LFAD!
                          First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14


