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so, you guys must be tired of all these introductions eh!

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    so, you guys must be tired of all these introductions eh!

    Hey all! I'd just take this opportunity to thank the community on here for putting together something great!

    I found the LFAD site after crazy amounts of google-ing the evening my girlfriend left our home town. It's coming up to three months since that point.

    We met about 3 years ago, as a stupid snog in a local bar (i snuck in underage, she had just turned 18 so it was all a bit new) I had a kiss and a dance with this amazing girl, barley exchanged words except names. The day after i couldn't believe a girl like that would take interest in me, so i took it as a lucky night. We kept on seeing eachother like this, and doing the same for a whole summer, where i got her MSN add, and that was about it. I thought she was too cool for me, and she says she thought the same - i don't believe her!

    So after timid chatting, it turns out she studies away. Like a plane ride away. But i mean hey, i don't have a chance with this girl anyway. So we fell out of contact. When she was home on holidays, we would see each other out and have a kiss and that's about it. But she was always that unobtainable girl.

    Then i go away traveling, during my late night facebook sessions, and a due to a handy time difference we spoke. A lot. All tongue and cheek, but the 10/10 girl was still talking to me.

    Eventually i came home, we started planning our nights out around, subtly, bumping into each other. I was obsessed, but scared of rejection, so I made no full commitment to saying i actually really liked her more than just a fancy.

    Through the last year we started off trying to 'play it cool'; on my part, to avoid embarrassment. We'd meet up when she was here, and watch films, and every now and then text and have great phone calls beginning to show our true feelings while she was away. By april/may, we both knew how interested in each other we were, and by late june we were an item. Since then we've fallen into love quick and hard. And it's been great.

    On reflection, i can't believe all the signs i missed haha

    At the moment, she is where she was studying, weighing up her options, as she can't do the work she is trained for here. And there are very few opportunities here. But she doesn't particularly want to do that work right now, but we both know she should.

    As much as i'd like to drop everything to be with her, I am training to get a trade here, and have just over a year to go. I guess this is a blessing in disguise to slow us down, but i doesn't feel like it all the time. And, we've openly said to close the distance once i'm finished here.

    The night before she left i promised her i'd make it work, and that it would work well. And so far, i've done not too bad thanks largely to tips on LFAD. Thanks. So much.

    I am fortunate to have her in my life, and to get get an insight into hers. I am also fortunate to have the opportunity and the funds to spend the weekend with her every 3 weeks.

    SO.. anyway, well that was an essay. Knew there was a reason i didn't join the forum in the first place!

    Thanks for reading... that felt good It'll feel even better when i'm on the plane friday mornng ))))))

    I liked your're a funny writer.


      You write well ^^ Hope to see more of it!
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        Great story! Welcome to LFAD!
        First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14


          Welcome to the community! Great story, thanks for sharing!


            Hehe awesome story, thanks for sharing with us! Welcome to LFAD! See you around!


              Welcome to the forums! And I don't' get tired of new members, it's nice to have new blood. ^^

              LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                I never get tired of it....welcome to LFAD =)
                I'm sure you're very excited for Friday to roll around.


                  Never tired of new users!!! Welcome!
                  NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                    Hi Edd! Welcome!
                    In a relationship with

                    Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                    My Albums:
                    Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                    Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                    My dog Sam ♥


                      Welcome to the family Edd!

                      Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
                      And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


                      Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.

