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Major sigh of relief!

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    Major sigh of relief!

    I have been looking everywhere for you!

    Wait... I mean I have been looking everywhere for a site like this! I'm sure it would have saved me a lot of headaches had I found it about... 5 years ago...

    Speaking of 5 years ago! I met this boy when I was 15 and we started dating and then he moved to Washington state... so we kept dating and falling in love more and more and more. Visits were amazing, and the time apart was much needed to make the relationship as strong as it grew. When he was 17 and I was 18 he moved back here to good ol' California! He moved in with me at my mother's house and things were lovely. Two years later we moved out and got our own apartment! YAY! That was... July 2nd of this year! Ok, if you're wondering why I keep using the past tense when talking about this relationship, its because it ended a few months ago... We grew apart, especially while living together... He had a video game addiction, I needed attention. Things just didn't work out for us. We used to be compatible in so many ways, and then with time we just weren't anymore.


    While I was still very unhappy and living in the apartment I was actually on omegle (judge me if you will...) and came across someone that was actually quite decent. We exchanged information and kept talking as friends, learning from each other and being a sound board for one another. He lives in Brazil, I live in California... I know, this is sounding completely insane right? Anyways, while living in the apartment I was talking to this guy for a few months and I was learning a little bit of Portuguese here and there, learning whatever he wanted to teach me, and in turn I helped him out with his amazing English (he just needed a few words fixed here and there and some things explained... now he speaks fluent Cali-speak and even uses the slang we use! Still a little broken here and there but we're still working on it. He has been speaking English for about 10 years. He's 22.) and teaching him things about the people here and how we act. Our friendship built up pretty well with talking every single day for a few months, and then when I left my boyfriend and moved back home things got flirtatious... Three months after back in with the parents, here I am, dating this amazing man and planning on meeting and spending a month together in July!

    Now that you know almost everything about me, I should probably tell you my name... I'm Tiffinnie, I'm almost 21 years old, and I'm in a long distance (6,424 miles) relationship with an amazing man in another country.

    Who are you, what's your story?

    Welcome to LFAD!


      Hi there

      I am kinda ashamed to say that the way your name is spelled made me stumble a bit in pronouncing it(in my head) I had to give it a second look lol


        Welcome to LFAD!!!!!
        NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


          Thanks for the welcoming!!

          Karrintyn!! You did NaNoWriMo?! Grats on winning!!
          I did it too but I got to about 18K and got really stunted... did my novel on a LDR... going to finish it eventually... maybe this next month!


            Welcome to LFAD Thanks for sharing your story.


              Welcome to LFAD!
              LFAD Book Challenge: 4/25 Complete
              Currently Reading: Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (219/1463 pages read)
              Total Pages Read This Year: 3283


                Welcome to the forums!


                  Hi, Tiffinnie, I am Holli. Welcome here!


                    Woo! Thank you welcoming committee! The SO should be signed up and on here soon enough <3 yay!


                      Hey Tiffinnie, welcome to LFAD! I'm Silviar, and I'm in an LDR with a wonderful man from Australia.

                      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                        Welcome to LFAD. I know what you mean...I looked all over and finally find LFAD and I'm so thankful!

                        Best wishes.
                        Love is patient and kind. It does not envy or boast; is not proud, rude or self-seeking. Love is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs. It does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

                        ~*~Love never fails~*~ 1 Corinthians 13

