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New from NH!

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    New from NH!

    Hi all, just stumbled across this website and I love what I see so far! I live in NH and my SO lives in VT (I am 29 he is 33). We met Many many years ago as he is my brothers best friend. Turns out we both had feelings for each other while in high school and both were to chicken to say anything for fears of upsetting my brother! So I moved away and we reconnected on facebook last year. We are about 3 hours apart. For the most part we get to see each other every other weekend. Our relationship is a bit complicated because we both have young children, my son is 5 and his daughter is 10. Neither of us can move until our children are older. It's going to be a challenge to make it through the distance for so many years, but we love each other and are trying so hard to make it work.


    Welcome to LFAD Glad you found us!


      Welcome to LFAD - we have many couples who struggle with distance and the best way to handle it with blended families, so you've got some friends in waiting around here.

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        Welcome to the forums!


          Welcome! My SO is in NH & I'll be visiting him in 25 days! We both have kids as well, so I completely understand your difficulties!


            Hi Nikki!
            Welcome to LFAD
            LFAD Book Challenge: 4/25 Complete
            Currently Reading: Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (219/1463 pages read)
            Total Pages Read This Year: 3283


              Hi Nikki! Welcome to LFAD! =)


                Welcome to the community!
                [CENTER]"True love doesn't mean being inseparable; it means being separated and nothing changes."


                  HI there! My love is in NH...OH HOW I LOVE IT THERE! We both have children as well....
                  NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                    Welcome Nikki my and Mark also both have children


                      Thank you for the warm welcome! It's nice to see so many people in a similar situation with children. I wouldn't trade my son for anything in this world...I just wish I could bring him with me back to VT. Looks like NH is a popular state...funny how some are wanting to be here and I can't wait to get out I looking forward to getting to know you all!!


