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New Member, 6 years being long distance

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    New Member, 6 years being long distance


    My name is Michael, and my long distance partner's name is Paulina. Paulina and I met online on LiveJournal in 2002 when I was 15 and she was 17. We became the best of friends, and when I graduated high school in 2005 I visited her for the first time. Not counting a couple of short break-ups, Paulina and I have been in a long distance relationship for six and a half years.

    Paulina lives in Canada, and I live in Tennessee. We were only able to see each other for approximately 30 days a year due to our studies and work, but we have spoken over the phone almost every night. I asked Paulina to marry me as soon as I graduated university last December. Our wedding is scheduled for May 28, 2011 and we're anxiously awaiting acceptance on our fiancee visa, due at the end of this month.

    While it may sound like a success story up to this point, the reason I joined this site was to look for support. Having graduated from university in a recession and not being able to move out on my own, I've become discouraged at times. Not because of the relationship, but because I had envisioned myself being better able to take care of my new wife once she arrived here. I have returned to University as a graduate student and I'm a year away from being a licensed 7-12 teacher now. There is also the possibility that I will get a promotion come the new fiscal year where I currently work part time, but I hate to put so much hope in that in case it doesn't happen.

    Anyway, I've just been very stressed out with everything and I hope to make some friends here. It's hard to find people who can relate at all.

    I'm sorry to hear that things aren't going too well, these are hard times for a lot of us economically
    At least when you are a licensed teacher you will be able to earn a steady living. Is Paulina currently in college, or will she plan to attend college once she comes to America? She could always find a job here to help out with finances when you two first start out living together. Good luck to you two, and congratulations on closing the distance in the near future!


      Originally posted by luna_banana View Post
      I'm sorry to hear that things aren't going too well, these are hard times for a lot of us economically
      At least when you are a licensed teacher you will be able to earn a steady living. Is Paulina currently in college, or will she plan to attend college once she comes to America? She could always find a job here to help out with finances when you two first start out living together. Good luck to you two, and congratulations on closing the distance in the near future!
      Thanks for the response. That was probably a pretty big downer for an introduction, and I apologize for that. I was sick and down when I wrote it.

      Anyway, to answer your questions...

      Paulina got an Honors degree in English Literature in Canada, and she is currently working at a pretty good job at Telus (a large cell phone carrier in Canada) so we can have some money when she gets here. Ideally, I will have a full time job, and she can use the money to get certified to teach, as well. That is what she has always wanted to do. If not, she will look for full-time employment, as you suggested.

      We're actually quite lucky. My parents are fine with us living here for as long as we need, but I had always imagined us having our own apartment and such from the beginning. You work and go to school for 6 years, and you kind of hope for more than living with your parents. I guess those are the times we live in, though.

      Thanks for the well wishes, though! It is nice to be surrounded by people who are in a similar situation to mine.


        Welcome to the site! I may not be to much of a help, I'm kinda a newbie here also, but I'm always willing to listen! I'm in high school right now and you're story, despite the troubles you have, is a great success and a wonderful inspiration. I may talk to you a lot in the future. The best of luck to whatever happens and I hope to hear more from you!


          Originally posted by nic&matt View Post
          Welcome to the site! I may not be to much of a help, I'm kinda a newbie here also, but I'm always willing to listen! I'm in high school right now and you're story, despite the troubles you have, is a great success and a wonderful inspiration. I may talk to you a lot in the future. The best of luck to whatever happens and I hope to hear more from you!
          I'm glad I could be an inspiration! We will be sure to stay in touch. If you ever need someone to talk to, just message me.


            Welcome to the forum..You have come to the right place..when im down i always be in this site and read all the successful story and it gives me inspiration...:-)


              That is a long time to be in an LDR. how do you do it?!? I hope everything works out for you two


                Hey, welcome to LFAD. I wanted to say it sounds like you've done a great job navigating the LDR waters so far. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm available anytime.

                LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                  Welcome! I too am here to chat anytime! I understand the frustation...and this site is wonderful for not feeling so alone.
                  NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                    Bleh @ Telus (sorry just had to say that)

                    Welcome to the forum and enjoy it here

                    Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                      Welcome to LFAD .. you didn't sound like a downer, you sounded like we all do at some points in our relationships. We've all been there so we can all relate.

                      Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
                      And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


                      Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.

