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Hello everyone and great to meet you all!

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    Hello everyone and great to meet you all!

    Hi Everyone,

    Well I never thought that I would be introducing myself in a forum. Generally speaking I am a lurker and tend to read a lot more on forums then write. Oddly enough, this all changed when I met the love of my love about one year ago online. Since we have been together, my passion and love for writing has increased, I am even working on my novel that I have been wanting to write for some time. She is truly my Muse.

    Let me introduce myself to you and my current situation.

    My name is Clint and I just turned 31 and live in the eastern part of the United States. My love, Racheal is from the South/East section of the United Kingdom. We met on a famous online chatroom site that has webcams and a large community. Strangely enough we both were not looking for anyone and never expected to fall in love. That of course is why they call it falling in love, you just fall over into it.

    We started talking last January and began talking everyday for several hours. At the time she was dating someone in her local area and I just basically had said, that's awesome and even though my feelings were growing stronger I never interfered with it. I knew that we were growing closer ever day, and I so hoped she would stop dating her boyfriend at the time.

    One day, she said to me, I have broken it off with my boyfriend, I said wow you serious, I said why, she said, "Because there is something about you and I want to be with you." My jaw dropped and my eyes teared up and we at that moment I took the opportunity to ask her out, online, never having met her yet in person, and we committed to each other on the spot.

    In august I made the first move, I took everything I had and booked a trip to the UK and went to visit her. When I arrived my adventure was full of a car accident, time delays, and so many issues that my arrival time was off by about 10 hours. I logged onto our chat network and explained I was there and did she still want to meet. At 11 PM we met in her town center, with a moonlit view of the English Channel. I will never forget as I walked toward her, all those hours of being on cam, and talking on the phone and txt, coming together all at once, we both had tears in our eyes. I sat down next to her, and I basically said Hi, she responded Hi.

    The next two weeks we spent together every single day, we bonded and became so close it was amazing. We have now spoken and we are both willing to work very hard to close the distance and make this into a permanent situation. Of course the only issue is money which we are both saving and we are devising a way to initially do a six months here six months there routine.

    I am in love, and found my soulmate, and the woman I want to marry.

    So that's my story.


    welcome Clint Wonderful Story :d Being an Englishman I have to ask: Which part of England is she from?
    Love is the only thing that can cross all boundaries and cannot be stopped. It crosses countries, continents, oceans and even the stars themselves. It makes peace in the middle of war, and stops hatred in it's tracks. -Anon

    Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. - Apostle Paul in his first letter to the Church at Corinth (1 Corinthians 13:3-5)



      Thanks for the PM I will respond soon and great suggestions. She is from the Portsmouth/Southampton area

      Which I might add is amazingly beautiful area.



        Welcome Clint. I hope you enjoy this site. and what a cute story


          Welcome to LFAD Clint! Such a lovely story


            Welcome to the forums!!


              Welcome Clint!
              NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013

