Great to be here. I started a LDR in September after having recently left my husband of 15 years. We met via Twitter and live 1000 miles apart. Have fallen head over heels in love with each other via text, phone calls, skype (thank the gods for webcams!!), facebook, twitter...everything EXCEPT meeting in person. That is until this Wednesday!! There's so much more that I'm excited to share with you all who can relate but am looking for the right "location" here for it. I found this site while looking for some fun gift ideas and I immediately purchased the matching bracelets and we never, ever take them off (confession: except when I tan and he refs, but we both promised to kiss it and acknowledge the removal before we do, LOL). It's such a great way to feel connected and I love it when he sends me pics almost every day of the bracelet in different surroundings. Once it was even in surgery!
This is so new to us both, I never believed in internet relationships, much less long distance ones, but man am I a believer now! So happy to be here and if someone can gently nudge me in the right direction as to where I can find advice on meeting for the first time, I'd be much obliged.
This is so new to us both, I never believed in internet relationships, much less long distance ones, but man am I a believer now! So happy to be here and if someone can gently nudge me in the right direction as to where I can find advice on meeting for the first time, I'd be much obliged.