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Hello there *looks around timidly*

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    Hello there *looks around timidly*

    Well, I thought I would share my story here.

    Let's start by the very begin, shall we?
    My name is Uila Engel, I'm brazilian. *you all go: hi uilaaa*
    well, in the end of 2008 I had a couple of german lessons, like one or two *blushes* and super duper excited with it, I decided to talk with someone that speaks german so i would get better at it.
    I had downloaded skype, but never ussed it before. one day, after a german class (that i ended up quitting one or two weeks after) I got online at skype and added like 10 to 15 people in germany, guys and girls.
    Some of them didnt accept my f/r, some of them did. some were awfully boring and I only talked once, but just 2 people out of them were nice and i kept talking with them.

    One of them was called Anton, and we started to chatt and got along really well. I told him I was going to spend vacations of 2 months in Switzerland with my aunt, and he asked if he could meet me in person. by that time we were already friends, and I found him really cute, so I thought "hey, why not? i can even have my winter fling in europe" so, we decided to meet.

    We said that we would give each other a t shirt, but not a new one, one we have, to have something to remember each other someday.
    at the 27 of december of 2008 (i had 20 years old by them and he had 22) he got there to visit me. meet my aunt, my uncle, and would stay there until the 30 or 31 of december.
    he got there not only with a t shirt, but with a huuge bear wearing it. I named him Max, <3.
    That day we had our first kiss. 2 or 3 days after he told me he loved me for the first time, I said I loved him too. he spent the new years with me and my family.

    Every weekend from there on or he would go to switzerland to see me or i would go to germany to see him.
    On the 26 of jan. of 2009 (one day before we were one month dating) he asked me to be his girlfriend, and to take that relationship even if on the distance. Well, if you guessed i said yes, you guessed it right. <3

    in february of 2009 i went back to brazil. and we only saw each other in july of 2009, when i went to germany to spend a month with him. in august i went back to brazil.

    We decided i would move to germany! and so i did, after 6 months without seeing eachother, in jan. of 2010 i went to live there in germany, and finally went back to learning german. lol

    we were living together, but fighted a lot. a loot. i guess we were not prepared for in one day being with that huge distance and in the other being there together all the time. we were both used to having our mothers (he moved out from his mothers house to live with me) doing everything they could for us, and suddenly we had to do it ourselves.

    in april he broke up with me, but i only found a flat for me at june and moved there begin of july. even though we were not "together" we still made out everyday while i was living there, and at least one or two times a week after i left.

    not being with him were the worst months of my life.

    in september i wrote him a letter, saying bye. because i would not see him again. i would never be able to forget him if we were still seeing each other, kissing and having s#x.

    i left the letter in his post box in his house, so i would not have to see him.
    the other day he called me, and said he still loved me, and asked if we could try again. i said yes.
    my flat became the place i keep my things, but just that. i sleep every night in his flat. we dont fight anymore. we love each other and i am happy.
    my mother got sick in brazil, and as im really attached to her, i decided to spend 3 months here. i got here at 30 of jan of 2011, and will go back to germany the first week of may.

    he will visit me next month, the middle f the time im spending here, so we wont have to spend 3 months appart now we are used to being together everyday, sleep hugging each other and all that...

    So, that is my story, now we are 2 years together (im counting the time we were "appart", because we were still seeing together and not going out with others, so we just were not "oficially together")
    He helps me beyond imagination in everything I need. I could not wish for a more loving and sweet boyfriend. I know it is cliche but he is everything i ever wanted and didnt even know.

    and im really happy i am with him, those weeks appart are killing me, i cant wait for him to be here with me.
    our story.


    02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

    "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."

    Hello Engel :-) And welcome to the LFAD forums!!
    Nice story!!


      Welcome to LFAD. If there's anything we can do to help you, let us know.

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        Hi! Welcome to LFAD
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        Currently Reading: Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (219/1463 pages read)
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          Welcome to LFAD!


            Welcome to LFAD!


              HI there!!! Welcome to LFAD. What a love story!! Thanks for sharing!
              NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                awww, cute story! Welcome

