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    After a particularly teary telephone convo with my SO today, I googl'ed "long distance relationships" to try and get some insight on to whether we can actually survive this...

    judging by this site, yes it is possible to survive an LDR (right?!)...a lot of these forum posts give me some much-needed hope...

    so the deal is:
    I'm in NY, NY
    He's in Nicaragua
    We've been together for 5 months...but long-distance since Jan. 7
    He has no internet access, so skype is out...only very expensive calls with phone cards (ouch!)
    Our closing the distance plan is for me to move there next year

    Welcome to the site! And the answer to your question is ABSOLUTELY!! If you two are willing to face hardships, lonely times for a while, and moving yourself, then yes!! It takes patience and hardwork, but you can definitely be together forever! Never give up hope, ever! Have a good time with this site, it's full of amazing people!


      Welcome to the forums Hope you find all the support you need here. And you're absolutely right, long distance relationships can work. It just takes a lot of patience and perseverence.


        Welcome to the forums!!! Long distance relationships can definitely work, you just have to keep at it


          Welcome! Long distance relationships can and do work


            Welcome to LFAD!

            LDRs can definitely work as long as both people are committed. My SO and are also international AND he doesn't have any internet access either. Can your boyfriend go to internet cafes so you can skype together? That's what we do and it is really cheap for him to do a 1/2 hr on the internet. Also have you checked out rebtel for calling rates to call Nicaragua? That's what I used to call my SO and it was much cheaper than phone cards and a little cheaper than skype.


              Welcome! Yep, LDR's can most definitely work, sometimes they're a little harder and the logistics can be a pain, but if you and your SO are willing and committed, they work quite well. Places like this forum are full of information and ideas to make it easier and keep you close, I'm sure finding LFAD will help you tons
              Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                thanks for the welcome...and positivity

                trying hard to keep my "we can do this" mentality but I am surrounded by skeptics since coming back home

                thanks for the suggestion, I will check out rebtel. right now I am using pingo, which I like for the convenience factor but I really am not saving any money with it. rates to nicaragua are pretty high (I'm paying 20.5 cents per minute) meanwhile neighboring countries in latin america are really 2 cents a minute to mexico! grrrr...something about the gov't taxing incoming calls.
                I've suggested the internet cafe thing to him but logistics so far has made it difficult...he gets off of work pretty late & the only internet cafe nearby is already closed or has a long advanced technology is definitely not on our side here :/
                I do think if we are gonna get thru this, I would like some contact via skype and will try to see how we can make it happen.


                  Welcome to LFAD!
                  LFAD Book Challenge: 4/25 Complete
                  Currently Reading: Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (219/1463 pages read)
                  Total Pages Read This Year: 3283


                    Hi! Welcome to LFAD, for sure you will find some help here, there are a lot of kind people ready to give you advices! I'm also pretty new to this forum, and I'm loving reading and posting here! i realize that no Internet access doesn't help a LDR, but of course it can work: love is the most powerful connection!


                      Hi! Welcome.
                      I looked for this site, kinda for the same reason and also to find people who was in the same situation as me.
                      And yes, I do believe LDRs can work out.

                      Hope you'll like it here.

