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    New here (obviously) and hoping to find some input and support and maybe be able to give some in return.

    My boyfriend and I met a couple of months ago and are 800 miles apart. I almost think it would be easier if it were thousands of miles but it's just far enough to make it difficult to make a weekend trip and far enough that it gets expensive to travel.. but close enough that the thought is always there that with a few hours drive you could be there. Yeah it sucks lol

    I will be moving hopefully in the next few months to be closer, but am hoping to get some ideas to keep things on track and to help us deal with some of the challenges. If I could move now I would.. but it's not an option at this time. Going to make the next few months torturous at best I think. Anyway, nice to meet everyone.. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all
    Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
    Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
    Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


    You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
    Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

    Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
    Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!

    HI, and welcome!


      Hi welcome!
      Hope you find the support and input you look for here.
      I'm sure you will. Feel free to ask anything here.


        Welcome to LFAD


          Thanks everyone Nice to meet you!
          Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
          Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
          Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


          You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
          Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

          Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
          Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!


            Welcome to the forum ^-^ it's awesome here!
            "taim i ngrá leat mo anam chara <3"

            Kitten: -laces fingers together- our souls are one <3
            Keith: -blushes and gazes at lovingly- forever and always <3


              Welcome to the forums


                Welcome! (:

                Communication is key. You're lucky in that you don't have a long time at all to wait to be with each other, but it still will be hard and it could challenge your relationship a fair bit. Set a time for each other at least once a week, an hour or more would be ideal. In this time just be personal with each other because you want to hold on to what makes your relationship special. For example, share stories of things you've seen that you know the other would like. Or search online and share links of silly little things that hold memories for you. Take pictures and try and use Skype to see each other or call on the phone.
                Laugh as much as you can.

                It's not always easy but it's worth it. Good luck!


                  Welcome to the forum!!


                    Hey, welcome to the forums. I agree with churchgrim being LD doesn't have to mean its horrible the whole time, there is a lot of advantages to being LD. You'll be able to get to know each other in new ways, my guy and I are glad we've had the distance because we've learnt key communication skills.
                    Oh and I promise you, you don't want to be thousands of miles apart, so expensive and can be complicated with visas and hell jet lag sucks lol.
                    Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.




                        Welcome to the forum
                        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                          Welcome to LFAD.
                          Love is patient and kind. It does not envy or boast; is not proud, rude or self-seeking. Love is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs. It does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

                          ~*~Love never fails~*~ 1 Corinthians 13

