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"I care about you too. More than you know yet"

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    "I care about you too. More than you know yet"

    I’m around her A LOT. My favorite place to come when I’m procrastinating on homework and my favorite place to come to get support/advice. But I don’t think I’ve every done a ‘formal’ introduction on here. So here’s our story if you’d like to know.

    [[it’ll be really long…I actually typed this up the weekend after it happened so I'd remember every detail!]]

    The name is Alyssa, his name is Bryce. I am 23 and he is 21. We ‘re both from Louisiana. I’m in college for Early Childhood Education, that’s Pre-K to 3rd. He joined the Army, pretty much went straight to Iraq, and then came home for 2 weeks before being stationed a few states away. We met during his two weeks home and started dating. That was Jan 2009, so we’re at 1 year and 3 months!

    Well here’s our story.

    New Years Eve (2009) is a bit blurry. I woke up at a friends place. Actually woke up to a fire alarm at around 5 in the morning. He was there too. They had went to school together. Standing outside I began to shiver. He offered his jacket, but I told him I was fine [through chattering teeth lol] so he pulled me close to him and wrapped his jacket around me, and just held me close to him. I knew right then he’d be trouble. Lol idk what it was about him, there was just…something much sweeter and gentler and more sincere about everything he did and said. The next morning he gave me his number and told me to call. He kissed me on my forehead and we made our way to our cars and left. I actually couldn’t stop thinking about him. And the kiss, just a quick kiss on the forehead, but it was all I could think about and I kept asking myself why didn’t I just pull him back and really kiss him.

    I almost didn’t call. But there was just something about him. He just seemed really sweet and like a genuinely good guy…well as much as I could tell after one drunken night and one still slightly drunk morning lol. But we met up for coffee Tuesday. And he was amazing. We just clicked. The conversation flowed easily and I felt so comfortable with him, it was like I had known him my whole life! We spent pretty much all of our time together for the next two weeks. And when we weren’t together were usually texting or calling each other.

    Then he was hanging with the guys, enjoying some guy time (one of the few nights we weren’t together) he called. He told me he had something to tell me. So I was just sitting around waiting for him to say “I love you.” The first night I went over, Thursday, we went out. On the way home I asked what it was that he wanted to tell me, but he said nothing we'd talk about it later. and friday last night with him, we were laying in bed and he was holding me. It hit me that he really was leaving and that was really the last chance I’d get to snuggle with him like that and just lay in his arms. I cried a little, not real hard, but my eyes kept tearing up so there were tears falling. I thought that was it, he’d go back to base and I’d stay home, and it would just be a great 2 weeks we had. When he noticed, he pulled me closer and held me real tight. When I looked at him he was looking at me real sweet and smiling. I asked 'whats the big smile for?' he said "nothing. I just, I know you care." and he said "I care about you too. More than you know yet."

    We spent the last few hours we had together just cuddling on the couch. He just held me close to him, neither one of us wanted to let go. Finally I told him I’d have to go, so we he held me a little longer and we got my things together and went outside.

    And the weather was just perfect it was cool and a little windy, it was a little cloudy but the sun was still out. So as we were standing there he was holding me close and the wind was just slightly blowing my hair...

    So he walked with me to my car, holding my hand in his. And then he said "Hold on I have one more thing for you." So we walked over to his truck. And he said “Stand right here. I don’t want you to see it.” He dug around in his truck a little, then he turned around and placed his dogtags around my neck and said “These are for you!.” He held me tight and then looked deep in my eyes and said "I'm going to miss you so much!" and he pulled me real close. I started crying a little and he took my face in his hands, wiping away my tears and looked in my eyes. Then he kissed me. I knew he wanted to say it....just the way he was looking at me, I could see it in his eyes. =] But he didn’t say anything, he just held me close. So we walked back over to my car. I said 'Well we never talked about it. We never said it out loud, but are we dating?’ and he said yea, “You know what else we didn’t say out loud?” He looked in my eyes, pulled me close, and said “I love you” and I told him I loved him too. But I had to go. And it was just all so perfect. bc they live in the country with the house set a little further back and there’s a longer driveway and its lined with oak trees...and as I was driving away he stood in the driveway and watched me....*squeak* its was just amazing.

    here’s an actual entry in my journal from that week.
    “I’ve never been so…comfortable with someone. Never trusted someone so easily and felt that it was perfectly ok. He makes my heart skip a beat when he looks into my eyes. Makes my breath catch with a simple touch. He makes my heart flip flop with the sound of his voice. Makes my heart beat real fast and real slow at the same time with a kiss. And when I’m near him I just can’t stop smiling. Just hearing his name gives me butterflies in my stomach. His hand always manages to find mine and never fails to make my heart drop down to the pit of my stomach when it does. He’s just not close enough unless I can feel his heartbeat and I can’t remember a time I ever felt so much like some ones world. Every love song I hear reminds me of him. He’s the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about when I fall asleep. I think about him all day long, remembering the way he touched me, remembering the way he kissed me, remembering the way he looked so deeply into my eyes. He makes me want to be a better person. It hasn’t been long at all, but he has become my everything and there is no doubt in my mind that he feels the same way.”

    Aww, that's so sweet. Glad to hear your story, Alyssa!


      ...sigh... what a lovely love story. I feel all mushy now.


        Such a cute story!! Thanks for sharing it!


          Ohh, that is beautiful. :]




              Aww, what a very sweet story! Thanks for sharing .


                Thanks! I love telling it! I think I posted this during one of my harder weeks. Having all this, every detail really helps at times like that!

