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Ohai there

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    Ohai there

    Just call me kitty.
    I actually went to the internet and start googling sites on LDR lol
    AND i found this site, yey //^o^)//

    I hope i can kill time by reading and sharing stories on here,
    rather than being sad thinking about how much i miss my boyfriend who is far far away :'(

    so, yeah
    Nice to meet all of you ^_^

    Hi, welcome to the forum

    Plenty going on in here to keep you distracted!
    As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


      Hello and welcome here

      Where does your boyfriend live? and why is he away? it'll help give us a better idea of your situation so if you need advice we can find a way to help

      Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


        Welcome to the forum! You've come to the right place!


          Welcome to the forums ^^


            Thank you ^_^
            and oh yea,
            my boyfriend lives in america and im in malaysia so thats why hes far far away lol
            like 10,000+ miles or something

            we used to talk alot on skype and stuff,
            but he got a bit of a problem, that he couldnt really be on computer much anymore so..
            internet is like the main place where we talk and keep in touch,
            now i just get to call him on my phone everyday, but thats only for a few minute..since, its kinda expensive..

            so, i miss him alot,
            i miss those times when i get to talk to him for hours and hours
            i missed it so much up to the point i get really aggravated and cried alot ,
            which is annoying sometimes..


              Welcome! I'm in Singapore and my boyfriend's in the states too. I hope you find the support you're looking for here. (:


                SINGAPORE! grr i lived in JB for almost 6 years..ive never been to singapore lol and now im in KL , my chances to go there are kinda gone xD
                lol ok sorry, that was random


                  Welcome Kitty, this place is a great way to waste time

