I just found this site a few days ago by googling "Long Distance Relationships" just to see what would come up. I was feeling really down and out and just was curious to see what I would find. I found this site and read through a lot of it and decided to join. This has been the hardest thing I've ever done so far in my life but I didn't say it wasn't worth it. I wouldn't be in a LDR if I wasn't 110% committed to him. I had my doubts within the first 2 months and thought about ending it but realized thinking back to all the guys I have been on dates with and such that there weren't any others around here that made me feel anywhere near as special and didn't connect with if you get what I'm saying. Hopefully you do (: I know that was a run on sentence...But anyways. I'm really happy with him even though we don't get to talk a lot on the phone because his job keeps him super busy and by the time he comes home he's tired...He's been through a lot in his life and he's only 23....A former Recon Marine who was in Iraq and Afghanistan. His knee got really messed up because a bomb went off and is truly lucky to be alive. He's a very strong person to say the least. Being it's Memorial Day Weekend I wish I could go and see him but with his work now he's lucky to have a day off. It makes in hard on our relationship especially because the lack of communication. I'd love to bring the fact of me possibly moving with him or him moving up here with me or something but his job is a very good paying one at that. Jobs around here aren't that great considering I don't live near a big city. I don't want to bring it up again and him have doubts or something because when we do get to talk on the phone, I don't want it to be too awkward.
He says its hard for him to leave when he comes up to visit me but he doesn't show it because he needs to be strong or something...It to me just doesn't seem like its AS hard on him as it is for me. This is getting long so I'm going to stop now lol But if you've read this much,I'd appreciate any comments. (: