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    I actually posted a bit ago, but never saw this forum!

    I'm very new to LDR's...I live in New England, and my SO lives in Australia...very long distance! We met briefly 21 years ago when I was traveling in his country...he was the mechanic that fixed the old car I was driving, and I ended up having lunch with his family (wife and 3 little children). Fast forward, and a co-worker of mine was going to be traveling to Australia, and to the very town that he lived in. I located an email address, wrote them, and found that he'd been separated for about 2 years. That was back in mid-March, and we've been emailing, texting, im'ing ever since.

    It is difficult for both of us, as neither of us have ever been in a LDR - and making plans to see each other is problematic...$$$ being the largest obstacle. But, we are planning/hoping to see each other this summer

    I do love the positive attitudes re LDR's here, as it really does help - Thanks so much!

    Welcome to the site!
    There's a positive attitude just because to make a LDR or any relationship at all work, you need to stay positive and let nothing, or almost, pull you down.
    And this is why here everyone is so supportive, and it is lovely.
    So welcome again, i hope you like it here, and good luck on seeing each other this summer!

    Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


      WOW! what a distance! I'm a newbie too, with a pretty long distance too (Fiji to Chicago) but not nearly as far, so i get the time change issues :P This site is very helpful, and the people are really nice.


        Welcome to both of you!
        Why do you wait for me?
        How do you wait for me?
        I'm lost and alone without you here in my arms.
        I'm lost and alone without you here by my side.
        Here's a song for you, lovely
        Remember that it's for you only, for you only.
        My heart is caught in a landslide
        And it beats for you only, for you only.

        -"My Lovely" by Eisley


          Hi eaoreilly....!
          Welcome to LFAD, Im also a newbie here!
          Goodluck to your relationship!


            Welcome to LFAD! A positive attitude helps in LDR's SO much
            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


              Money really does stink! Welcome, this place is great.

