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Just Saying Hello

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    Just Saying Hello

    Hi there,
    My name is Angela and I'm just stumbled on this site...which will be needed in the near future. I am moving from WI to NC in two weeks to finally achieve my professional goals. I am leaving a week before my 4 year anniversary with my boyfriend, we have know each other for almost 5 years. I'm hoping this site is helpful..because all I have been hearing is how hard LDR are!


    LDRs are more challenging than regular relationships, but that doesn't mean they are impossible With strong feelings and honesty anyone can pull it through. Good luck to you!


      Hi welcome to the forums,
      Good luck with the move and LDR's are hard but 100 % worth it! You'll get alot of advice and support here
      As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


        It's not too hard to be in a LDR once you get used to it, it's all a matter of getting through the first period of change, and then things settle in.
        Welcome to the forums anyway!

        Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.

