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Howdy from Texas!

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    Howdy from Texas!

    Hey guys. My name is Alexandra and I live in Dallas. My boyfriend's name is Lewis and he also lives in Dallas, but in less than a month he will be leaving for college (UTSA). I am 16, and he is 18. And even though we get the "you guys are too young to know what love is" all the time, we believe we truly can make this long distance relationship work while I am still in high school and he is in college.

    I just wanted to say hi and I look forward to getting to know some of you guys

    Awww your in the same city as my BF your exactly 1069 miles away from me then haha. I'm in college and he works for the government so you can make it work as long as the both of you work on it together and dont fight because you dont get to talk to each other as much college is stressful and demands alot of time inorder to make good grades in all of his classes. try to surround yourself with good friends and family even if your family doesnt approve of your relationship (mine dont lol) there still your family and will always be there for you to talk to Me and my Bf have been together almost a year long distance you can survive it just gotta learn to be independent now because you wont have your BF there all the time. It gets easier with time until he comes for a visit and leaves it'll feel like your hearts being ripped out but thats when you surround youeself with your best girlfriends and eat ice cream and cry youll soon b ok cause in the long run you know that no matter what your still together and love each other. Good luck sweetheart and i'm here to talk if ya need to


      aww... thank you so much! that gave me hope and made me smile thank you thank you.


        your very welcome


          Hey, Alexandra Enjoy your stay on LFAD and good luck with your relationship. I know how it is when everyone tells you it won't work or that you're too young to pull it through, but just keep your head up and prove them all wrong


            Hi Alexandra! Fellow Texan here! Welcome to LFAD.
            Join the Photography Group Today!


              Yeah i had all the crap of people like "Your too young for this" etc etc blah blah blah! Im 16 and my SO is 19 (15 and 18 when we started out) i know how you feel >.< Me and him are 3359 ish miles apart >.<
              Good luck


                I can't even imagine how hard that is. But you guys are strong! Stay that way! Thanks for the welcome and the luck

