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    Hi there everyone

    My name is Shelly (but I'm using a favorite nym for here), and last weekend I found myself in an LDR. I live in the Chicagoland area, and my partner lives in England.

    We met through an online fan forum, and have been best friends for years now. We met for the first time last year when I traveled to the UK, but at the time he wasn't available and we were still looking at each other as just friends.

    But last weekend I traveled to visit him, and we became more than friends.

    We're still working out what we are, trying to take things slowly. The problem is since we each have small children, there is really no way for either of us to move to be with the other. We're going to try, but we have doubts this can work. Hence my joining this community, because we both do want this to work.

    Anyway, hello!

    Hi, welcome to the forums.

    Im a parent too, closing the distance it's difficult when there are kids to consider. I hope you can find a way to make it work
    As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


      Yeah, having children makes this really hard. But we're trying to stay positive. Everything else is so good with us, we just click so well. I feel like he's the one I've been searching for all my life. When I stayed with him last week, I felt like I was home. Ah well. Can't know the future, can't not try just because it's hard, right?

      edit: also, thanks for the welcome.


        Hi Shelly, welcome to the forums and to LFAD!

        Both my partner and myself also have young children. We met online last November, we talk everyday and have met in person several times since then. I would love to close the distance, but being realistic.... I honestly don't know how we can manage it. Actually Shelly, I've never posted to a forum requesting advice, but I think I might finally give it a go... I would love to hear from other people in long distance relationships where there are children involved. Hmmmmm.... glad I took the time to read your introduction!



          Hi Nat! How funny! I just replied to your post.

          Thanks for the welcome.


            Welcome to the forum


              Welcome to the forums! My SO and I both have children, so I understand completely!

