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This is it, this is me.

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    This is it, this is me.

    So, let's make it simple.

    I'm 19 years old - turning 20 on december - and I live in France. I love a lot of things. I love life, in all its aspects.

    I've been in an LDR one year ago, with an american boy met online, but it didn't work out.

    Then, I met this boy through a common friend on facebook. We start chatting, then texting and, 2 and a half months later we actually met. He was heartbroken, and I guess that I've succeed to heal it. We start dating one month later.
    It has been 10 months, and... the "problem" is that he'll move thousands miles away for one year to study. (Well, actually, I don't complain, My LDR experience will only last one year, I know that most of you aren't that lucky. )

    Anyways, hello everyone

    Ps : sorry for my poor english ahah~

    Sois la bienvenue sur LFAD And don't worry, your English is good, hehe.


      Hello, your English is fine.


        Hi ,welcome to the forums

        Ps : sorry for my poor english ahah~
        If you didn't type that, i don't think anybody would suspect English wasn't your first language.

        ---------- Post added at 08:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 PM ----------

        Hi ,welcome to the forums

        Ps : sorry for my poor english ahah~
        If you didn't type that, i don't think anybody would suspect English wasn't your first language.
        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


          Ahah thanks


            My SO is a little over a thousand miles away from me, she has been for 3 years now, and will be for another 1.5
            Its tough, but i know it is totally worth it I hope everything works out great with you two.

            Oh, PS, your English is great. Its better than most English speaking peoples'.

