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    Well, hello there! I'm Polina. I am here because I – oh surprise surprise – am in a LDR. My last and thus-far only other relationship was long-distance for most of the time (a year and a half out of two years), but we got together and carried out the formative stages of the relationship when we were living in the same town, and were still in the same state. This person and I met online – although we did have a rather intense friendship for several months, and met in person while still in the platonic stage – and live on opposite coasts. I'm not having problems with feeling intimate (in a personal, emotional way) or maintaining regular contact, the way many people are. But figuring out how to conduct the early, getting-to-know-you-as-a-romantic-partner stages of a relationship long-distance, and missing the physical component completely without any idea of when we will be able to meet again* are both pretty hard. So it was on those fronts that I'm primarily looking for advice and support, because I do feel very strongly for this person, and want to take a serious shot at making it work out.

    *I had been thinking about moving out to her area, where I do have family and friends other than her, for some time before this started, and am still thinking of it, but obviously, that has no guarantees as to dates, and in the meantime, we're both young and very unemployed, and plane tickets are expensive. :P

    Hey, Polina Welcome to LFAD.

