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Hey, I'm Ashleigh

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    Hey, I'm Ashleigh

    Hey there, technically I'm not quite in a long distance relationship..
    I have been with my boyfriend for almost a year and a half now. He's year 13 in Highschool, and I'm year 12. Next year he is moving 3 hours away to go to University, while I have to stay here to finish up my last year of high school. So very soon, we will be in a long distance relationship.. and I'm so freaking scared... I found this website, and thought I would join.. maybe it'll give me some hope. Maybe things can work out between us? I hope like crazy they do.

    Hey and welcome! I know the idea of starting a LDR is really scary, but once you start reading more and chatting with folks you'll see it's TOTALLY possible (some people's partners are literally across an ocean!), so hopefully that will help put your mind at ease. We're all going through similar experiences and willing to help one another out. Best of luck and I'm sure if you and your boyfriend keep a positive attitude it can absolutely work out!


      Thank you so much, it's means a lot to me that you found the time to reply. No one I know is in a long distance relationship, and all the people around me keep telling me it's not going to work out. although my twin sister is with my boyfriends best mate, and is in the exact same position. I know for sure I will be on this website A LOT next year, I'm already freaking out.. I'm not sure how I will cope :/ But as you said.. you gotta stay positive right? Thanks again, i hope to get to know you and others on this website (:


        Welcome to the forum Everything is possible as long as you really wish for it and you work to make it last ^^ Good luck in your future LDR.


          hey there
          welcome and welcome
          i guess we all can give you hope because it is totally possible bunch of work but tooootally worth it
          it IS a scary thought though but just do your thing (you and your bf) so things will work out

