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New guy in town

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    New guy in town

    Hello everyone,

    Ever wonder why a man who had everything, took a job 910 miles away from his friends and family?
    I'm still wondering that, 3 months later.

    This is my first time hearing of this forum, to be honest, I'm not quite sure how I found it, although I was certainly intrigued. I am a full time Paramedic in a very isolated community in the Northern portion of MB, Canada. I plan to work up here for a few years, save up, and move back to the city, with plans that my SO will move here in June. I know that 3 months isn't long, but it is long enough to feel the weight of the people lost.

    We met online, as it turned out she lived 5 minutes down the road and we even went to the same high school (3 years apart however). All the proof I need to believe in fate I think. My SO is just starting her last year of University and I left 9 months into the relationship, it gets hard to stay strong all the time. I do have a light at the end of the tunnel, we have our next 2 years planned in terms of vacations, work schedules, and our moving in date. My cat and gecko do their best to keep me company =)

    I came here in hopes to find a friend or two, people to share stories with, laugh at the odd joke. I thought it might be a good idea to meet people with similar backgrounds, or complete opposites? On a side note, this is my first time moving out of house and my apartment is surprisingly clean.

    I look forward to meeting anyone and everyone!

    Lol well atleast your apartment is clean haha I'm sorry, that made me laugh.
    I'm Krissy, and welcome to LFAD I actually met my SO online also, and it's always nice to meet people who I have that in common with. If you ever want to chat though, message me anytime.
    You never forget your first love...


      Welcome to the forum.


        Hello I'm Mia. Welcome to LFAD
        "Love wins everything especially fear."


          Hi, welcome to the forums.
          I met my better half online too, we'll get you through the distance (with the help of your cat and gecko)
          As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


            Hi, welcome to the forums.
            I met my better half online too, we'll get you through the distance (with the help of your cat and gecko)
            As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


              Thank you for your encouragement everyone, it is well appreciated =)


                Welcome to the forums! I met my SO online too, in a chatroom. A lot of people on here met their SO's online too, so I'm sure you'll find a lot of people who you have things in common with I'm Holly. Don't be afraid to say hi!


                  Welcome to the forum! I also met my SO online as well, on a forum! I think you'll find lots of other people to connect with. If you ever want to talk as well, I am here!

