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    Just joined! :)

    Hi everybody! My name's Allison and I'm a newbie here : ). I'm 19 and recently started a LDR-sort of. We're not "officially" in a relationship yet, but we're committed to what we have together and can't wait to take the next step in our relationship!
    I'm not too sure what to say in this, so I'll talk about how we got started. We first met in our freshman year of high school marching band- we sat right next to each other. We ended up having more classes together and got to know each other really well and we've been best friends ever since. I've always had feelings for him, but always told myself "oh, I don't want to risk our friendship." Finally, during our senior year we started dating. It was wonderful dating my best friend, but then I broke things off for silly reasons I'm ashamed to say. After we graduated, we went our separate ways- me to a close-to-home college and he to a school 920miles away. Honestly, we didn't talk much during our first year away, just kind of an 'oh yeah lets catch up during holiday breaks.' But over the summer we started talking and hanging out more, and things started to fall back into place for us. I ended up realizing that as much as I wished I had never broken up with him in the past, I really needed that year apart from him to make me understand what an amazing relationship we had together. I hate that it took me that long to finally appreciate him so to speak, but I think that was ultimately for the best!
    But now we're in our second year of college and apart again :/ We're not in an official boyfriend/girlfriend relationship at the moment- we both felt that it was too close to the end of summer to try now we're in an unofficial LDR! I truly love him with all of my heart (regardless of our relationship label). I have never felt so comfortable or happy with anyone, and I can honestly say that I see myself spending my life with him : ). I'm eagerly awaiting for him to come home on break (I have two countdowns helping me keep track of the days!) and I know that each day brings him that much closer.
    I guess my main concerns for my LDR is getting to a point where we don't put enough time or thought into our relationship because we are so far away. I mean, right now it's at the stage where I can do nothing BUT think about our relationship, I'm just afraid of going to the extremes- either getting complacent with it, or letting the relationship consume me and not really living my own life (if that makes sense...)
    I'd really appreciate any tips or suggestions anyone has!

    Hello and welcome to LFAD! I think if you read around the boards you'll find lots of information and if you need help on something specific don't be afraid to start a thread.


      Welcome to LFAD I'm sure you'll find all the help you need on the forums


        Welcome! Hopefully you'll find all the help and advice you need here
        You never forget your first love...


          Welcome! There are lots of helpful threads on the forum. You just have to search around. Best of luck!


            Hi and welcome! Usually the newbies ask similar questions about their relationship so almost whatever it is you're looking for can be found on the forums. And if you have something specific to ask about just post away!

