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    I've come to this website before for inspiration, but I'm now at the point in my LDR where joining a community like this seemed like a great idea.

    I've been in my current LDR for just over 3 months now. He's in the Air Force and stationed a third of the way around the world, so there's a nice large time difference between us. But we both feel really confident in this relationship and are trying to make it work while I'm at college on the East Coast until we can bridge the distance.

    But now we're at the point where the first visit since we've been together has come and gone (and it was wonderful) and the era of nonstop conversation getting to know each other is passing. It seems like the new-ness of the relationship has worn off, and now is when it's really starting to get harder. So this community of support and talking to others going through similar situations seemed like a really good thing to join.

    Can't wait to hear about how all of your LDRs are going; hopefully I can get some inspiration!


    Hi Kat! Welcome to LFAD


      Hi Kat and welcome to LFAD! You can find great tips on the LFAD main page from The list of things to do.

      And of course there's tips for what to do when you run out of things to talk about - I think most of us have been through that

      I hope you find a lot of friends and support from here!


        Yea just like Tanja said there is lots of info here. Welcome


          Welcome to the forums

