Hello there!
My name's Jessi and I'm new here!
If you have a few moments I'd like to talk a little about me and my relationship.
I'm an upbeat happy person and I'm an animal lover.
I just moved away from home for the first time and I left behind my loving boyfriend.
It's my first long distance relationship, so there are some worries.
I'm glad I found this website, it looks like it could be very helpful!
Thanks for reading and I hope I'm welcomed into the community!
My name's Jessi and I'm new here!
If you have a few moments I'd like to talk a little about me and my relationship.
I'm an upbeat happy person and I'm an animal lover.
I just moved away from home for the first time and I left behind my loving boyfriend.
It's my first long distance relationship, so there are some worries.
I'm glad I found this website, it looks like it could be very helpful!
Thanks for reading and I hope I'm welcomed into the community!