Hi! I'm so excited I found this website! It has such great info on, and I was just ecstatic when I saw there was a forum as well!
My name is Kayla, and I'm from Pennsylvania. I recently fell head over heels over someone that lives in SK, Canada! Almost 2,000 miles away. We haven't known each other long, but as soon as we started talking we had such a connection. (Sounds silly, I know!) I can't even explain it! I most definitely didn't plan on falling in love with someone from Canada! We are miles away, but I've never felt this way about anyone.
It's so great to be a part of a community of people that are so understanding. Well, that's all I really have to say! I just thought I'd introduce myself a little. Have a great day everyone.
My name is Kayla, and I'm from Pennsylvania. I recently fell head over heels over someone that lives in SK, Canada! Almost 2,000 miles away. We haven't known each other long, but as soon as we started talking we had such a connection. (Sounds silly, I know!) I can't even explain it! I most definitely didn't plan on falling in love with someone from Canada! We are miles away, but I've never felt this way about anyone.
It's so great to be a part of a community of people that are so understanding. Well, that's all I really have to say! I just thought I'd introduce myself a little. Have a great day everyone.