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Greetings, Earthlings. :D (for effect)

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    Greetings, Earthlings. :D (for effect)

    Hello guys n' gals,

    I'm the ArchetypicalIdiot. The person who has just arrived back from a rather disastrous break seeing her long distance boyfriend in Iceland. I'm from England so technically we're not *too* far apart but still, yep. Money issues. There was a lot of stuff flying around while I was there to do with his family and his mother who does not like me because:
    1. No one will ever be good enough for her son.
    2. I hurt my back during an unscheduled housemoving and had to take regular breaks and now she thinks I'm lazy in spite of this. Bah.
    During this trip I have:
    * Acquired ten new bruises due to various situations both fun and not.
    * Been surrounded by high Icelanders due to his sister/room mate's obsession with weed addicts seven days of the week
    * Sprained my arm
    * Chipped my glasses
    * Twisted my ankle
    * Broke my suitcase
    * Temporarily broke my laptop (his father, who is a legend, fixed it)
    * Broke my heart crying on the plane back because in lieu of the unplanned move, claustrophobic family, weed smoking counterparts who wouldn't let neither myself or my dude into the kitchen, sister who knocks on the door while we're having...well you know/walks in uninvited...I'm ashamed to say that in spite of my love for my partner, I fled home. And now, I'm broken hearted because I won't see him again for months now. Sigh. I just miss his scrawny red ass so much My loon.

    So, yes, stumbled across this site and thought I'd give it a go while I cuddle one of the many teddy bears my guy sends me/gives me when we meet and thought the site looked pretty awesome. Hello Nice to meet you all x

    Hi, welcome to the forum.
    This site is pretty awesome and we can relate to having to leave the one you love behind. I too broke my suitcase and aquired several bruises while visiting my sweetheart in Canada, no clue where most of them came from. I'm also a Brit, currently irrating the people of Birmingham
    As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


      Welcome to LFAD


        Buuuurmingham! I loved my days as a student in Brum! Thanks guys x


          Hey, welcome to LFAD.

          and wow! Iceland! My boyfriend and I plan to go there for our honeymoon

          Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


            Thanks Dziubka And cool! I've been there three times now so if you need any suggestions of cool places to visit lemme know. If I don't know of anything I have my own native to poke rofl x


              Iceland seems like such a cool place.
              I'm gonna ramble now, but that's what forums are for, isn't it?!
              My boyfriend and I have this running gag about it, though. There's a whole forum about Polish people in Iceland (they're the biggest minority there!) and someone there opened a thread that went sort of like
              "Hi, does anyone know where I can buy clothes cheap? You know, the most basic stuff like gloves, scarves, hats."
              We're lame, but whenever someone mentions Iceland we recite that and laugh. In Iceland the most basic articles of clothing are gloves, scarves and hats....

              Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                Welcome to LFAD!
                hope you'll like it here and will find the support you're looking for
                Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
                And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
                ~Richard Bach

                “Always,” said Snape.


                  Welcome to LFAD I'm from Nottingham myself, but I live in north wales Hope you like it here and find the site helpful


                    ha ha Dziubka! Yeah I saw a few Polish there. Was really cool to chat to the Polish because half of them where in the same boat as me and just sat there watching the Icelandic speak their own language while we mucked around in English. As for the question of the hats and scarves etc...tis funny but also has some kind of truth to it. I bought a decent pair of gloves in Iceland for £12 (or the equiv of in Kronur) which is way steep when you think about that being half price for the same quality in some places in England. Hell, it was £2.50 for a tin of whiskas cat food (yes, one!). Apparently the polish and other expats have been moving out of Iceland since the collapse and I don't blame them based upon what the Dude tells me and what I've seen. Icelandic minimum wages are negotiable for one (no set national) but average on slightly less than the English wage. When you consider that what you pay for in England, in Iceland you add on another pound or two it all adds up. Everything is subject to crazy import charges there, which is why I know it's cheaper for my guy to order from the internet than pop down the shops for clothing! <<ramble finished XD>>

                    Hi Ionna and Hollz having a blast so far. Got home yesterday, was feeling awful so it's nice to know I'm not the only one. Thanks for your welcomes xxx


                      I think you rock, I just wanted to let you know that.

                      It sucks utterly being so far away, I know. I've found support here too, and I'm glad you are here.


                        Welcome to the forum
                        This is definitely one of my favorite places to be when I need support, and even when I'm just looking for others to chat with who know what I'm going through, so I hope you find it to be the same for you
                        You never forget your first love...

