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Well Let Me Just Say..

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    Well Let Me Just Say..

    I am glad to find a community like this on the internet. A place where LDRs are put into a positive light instead of all the negative things you see around. I want to start of saying that I have been reading some of the posts and stories and they are absolute amazing and give me utmost confidence in my LDR. I'll give you a brief summary of my story:

    We met when we were sophomores in high school after a basketball game. We began talking on AIM and MySpace almost every day. The summer before junior year we finally ended up hanging out just the two of us and that is when our relationship together began (August 25th, 2009). We spent as much time as possible together while in high school and stayed together through thick and thin. On August 24th, 2011 ( day before our two year anniversary) I moved into college about 950+ miles away from her. The decision was extremely hard to make going way out of state from where she was but it was almost harder to deny the money I was given to go there.

    Now it's October 22nd, 2011 and I am posting on this site just to talk to other people about LDRs. I can't wait to discuss things with you all, share my story (in more detail), express my opinions, share ideas, and overall have a 'family of friends' that all know each other are going through.

    Hi, welcome to LFAD! Hope you'll like it here, best of luck to your long distance relationship


      Hi, welcome to the forum. If you need anything just ask
      As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


        Welcome to the site


          Hey Welcome and Good luck!


            Welcome to the site
            You never forget your first love...


              Hey, welcome to the forums and I hope you like it here!


                Close together or far apart, you're forever in my heart.

                I love you soooo much Luke

