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Back Once More!

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    Back Once More!

    Well... It's been about 10/11 months since I've been on here and I'm not entirely sure if it's worth me being on here as I'm curently not in any relationshiop of any sort :P However I'd like to think I could help others occasionally... Maybe XD

    Either way, I'm pleased to see some of the same people on here still! It makes me happy to see that you're all going strong and working on your LDR's! It's all very awesome! You guys give me hope!

    At the end of last year I split with my SO, it was a very weird time for me and has taken me a while to try and get past past it (something I'm still working on) Turns out my suspicion about him and his best friend was true, a week before he left to see her 'as a friend' he said maybe we should try being friends because of whatever reasons he could come up with and then he went to go see her and after that weekend they got together lol predictability win :P And their still together now so clearly it was the right thing for him to do

    So I'm hoping you'll have me back.. You all inspire me so much! It's incredibly heartwarming <3
    <3 My Si Shake

    Well I wasn't on the site that far back, but it's always nice to meet new people who are in/have been in similar situations so welcome back!
    You never forget your first love...


      I remember you!! Glad to have you back


        Thanking you! It's nice to be back XD
        <3 My Si Shake

