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On Break.

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    On Break.

    Well you read that right. Robert and I are on break, with how much we've been fighting and been stressed out we need it, So Technically I'm single. He said I could do as I wished and he didn't want to know about it till the end of the week. I'll call him Wednesday to check in and see how he is doing and then by Sunday we will deside if we want to stay together, we've each been stressed and hurt and we've been treating one another badly because we are both unhappy. We are just taking some time apart. He says I'm free to date or make out with anyone I want, God I wish he wasnt so worried about that. I'm not going to kiss or anything like that with anyone, I've only told two people we are on break, and they are both females.

    Maybe after this break we can get things going better and feel normal with one another instead of fighting all the time.

    Wish us luck <3
    " There is always hope.

    Awww I'm sorry to hear I hope things will work out for the both of you. Taking some time off may be a good idea so you both give each other time to cool things off.

    Wish you the best.. Hugss***


      if this works you will be stronger for it!

      when i first dated my SO we only dated for 4 months than i broke up with him
      when school started again he started dating another girl, they dated for 6 months before they started to not like each other anymore (mostly bc we were getting feelings for each other again.) they broke up, we started "talking" and in july we made it official (alot of other stuff happened i wont go into detail) i think if we hadnt have had that year to grow and learn more about ourselves away from "us" we wouldnt be together today.

      good luck


        I personally am against breaks and think they don't work. As far as lets be single for a bit. I think space is good and a few days to clear your head, but still are a couple. I don't get and see what the point of breaks are, unless you want to see what else is out there or if your interested in other people. Which I think is just a break up completely and if you get back together afterwards maybe. I would never want a break and if my SO suggested one i would rather he break up with me, then let me go through the torture of what if's. This is just my personal opinion on it.

        I think its good though that you guys are clearing your heads, to re-evaluate your feelings and what you want. I hope things work out for you two, and you guys work it out. Best of luck to you both!
        I love you Nathan <3
        5/25/09 <3


          Sorry to hear, best of luck! I think breaks work wonders! Worked for me and my SO and we are doing really well after it.

          To Kara, there are 2 types of breaks. One is where people who really love each other just need to not talk for a few days or a week because of outside stressors. (i.e. me and my SO took a break because i was being way to dependent and needy bc of what had happened between us. I had to readjust to life without him CD). The second type of break is one where you are evaluating whether or not the relationship is working and if you want to stay together. Breaks, if they are taken seriously by both parties can work wonders and make the relationship stronger or they can push you apart. I think breaks are a good thing for some couples.
          "You want for myself
          You get me like no one else
          I am beautiful with you

          I am beautiful with you
          Even in the darkest part of me
          I am beautiful with you
          Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
          You're here with me
          Just show me this and I'll believe
          I am beautiful with you"



            Originally posted by kiara_silver View Post
            I personally am against breaks and think they don't work. As far as lets be single for a bit.
            I kind of agree with kiara. But sometimes what you need to to take a step back and re-evaluate things. As long as you both agree to it but just remember that if you think that this is just a transition period and that you will get back together, dont do anything to crazy. Because even though he says to do what you want, there may be more to it.

            But best of luck!!
            Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

            I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


              Originally posted by kiara_silver View Post
              I personally am against breaks and think they don't work. As far as lets be single for a bit. I think space is good and a few days to clear your head, but still are a couple. I don't get and see what the point of breaks are, unless you want to see what else is out there or if your interested in other people. Which I think is just a break up completely and if you get back together afterwards maybe. I would never want a break and if my SO suggested one i would rather he break up with me, then let me go through the torture of what if's. This is just my personal opinion on it.

              I think its good though that you guys are clearing your heads, to re-evaluate your feelings and what you want. I hope things work out for you two, and you guys work it out. Best of luck to you both!
              I agree, I never believed in breaks, I would rather break up altogether than be on a break. I think its just an excuse to sleep or kiss around.

              And wont your eX (?) SO kiss around if he said you could? maybe he is trying to excuse this behaviour from him after, because if he tells you he did it, you cant complain, you were on a break after all, and he said you could do it if you wanted.
              our story.


              02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

              "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                I'm part of the " Don't believe in breaks " party, but what works for one couple doesn' work for another. Every couple is different

                Here's to hoping this break clears both of your heads so you can concentrate on what really matters. I'll cross my fingers for you
                "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


                  Good luck to you's! I feel sometimes breaks are neccessary and sometimes dotn help so here is hoping it works out for the best!


                    Sorry to hear that...

                    I don't believe in breaks either, but I guess it's all about semantics. So basically you two are free to do whatever with whomever you want and will regroup in a few days. Personally, I couldn't agree to this with my boyfriend no matter how upset I am with him. I don't know why you can't just agree to not talk to each other for a few days rather than also include the premise that you're allowed to have "romantic affairs" with someone else. But as others have said, to each their own. Every relationship is different. Regardless, I wish you best


                      Thanks all. The break only lasted two days We are doing much better now, we just needed time away from the stressers and all. We had a talk about me going to college, we fought a bit about that but we worked that out as well and we are no able to handle arguments better ( we both tend to be stubborn. )

                      But we are doing loads better.
                      " There is always hope.


                        Glad to hear that!


                          " There is always hope.


                            glad to hear things are turning around


                              Good to hear it's turning around and that things are getting better for you guys

