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    I feel like my SO and i are in a texting rutt.

    everytime we text

    Hi baby
    hello my love
    whats up
    nm.... you
    not really
    i love you
    i love you too

    or something along those same lines, i want to spice up our texts (not sexually)
    I just feel like we always say the same things, it doesnt matter if you read it as me first than him, or him first than me

    its always the same!!!

    does anyone else feel like this? what are some things we can do to fix it?

    We usually text about what we are doing, about things that happen to us during the day.
    When I really have nothing to say, I write something about how much I miss him.

    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


      We usually talk about what things have happened throughout the day or we talk about the next time we will see each other. Sometimes I'll ask how his family or friends are doing or how things are back home.
      "You will always have my heart, no matter how far we're apart" ~ Jacob


        Same with us, telling each other what is going on, I mean. Sometimes we even send each others pictures or that a mutual friend is saying hi. If there is nothing to say, we won't text, but I'm curious what he is going to say to "I'm bored. Help me?"


          Sounds like you could try playing my Question Game!

          Okay, so, the game is pretty simple. Person 1 (P1) comes up with a question, about anything - food, sex, dinosaurs, music, etc. Person 2 (P2) has to answer. Then, P1 answers his/her own question before P2 has to come up with a question.

          P1: If you were a superhero/villian, what would your power(s) be?
          P2: Um... I think telepathy would be really neat.
          P1: Really? I'd pick telekinesis.
          P2 comes up with a question now. He/she can either go with the superhero/villian theme, or completely change the topic to something like least favorite type of lightswitch.

          Think of the most random or crazy questions you can! And of course, some questions wind up leading to full conversations.


            LMFAO! I love stubborn hope's response. That is a great idea. I think that everyone goest through this. You eventually talk about everything and then there is just so much silence that it drives you insane. I know the feeling. I agree with everyone else. Talk about things that you did during the day. Usually that sparks up a bit more of a conversation. Or take a day where you dont text at all. It will kill you but when you go back to talking there is so much to say!
            Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

            I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


              Yeah talk to him about your day or ask him his opinion on things.... it doesn't have to be boring!


                Originally posted by Stubborn Hope View Post
                Sounds like you could try playing my Question Game!

                Okay, so, the game is pretty simple. Person 1 (P1) comes up with a question, about anything - food, sex, dinosaurs, music, etc. Person 2 (P2) has to answer. Then, P1 answers his/her own question before P2 has to come up with a question.

                P1: If you were a superhero/villian, what would your power(s) be?
                P2: Um... I think telepathy would be really neat.
                P1: Really? I'd pick telekinesis.
                P2 comes up with a question now. He/she can either go with the superhero/villian theme, or completely change the topic to something like least favorite type of lightswitch.

                Think of the most random or crazy questions you can! And of course, some questions wind up leading to full conversations.
                Yup we did this once. We call it "How well do you know me?" game. haha. we were tied, I won by one point. And the prize was to decide who will dominate in our skype sexy session. LOLOL. it was fun.
                Nobody knows who I really am
                Maybe they just don't give a damn
                But if I ever need someone to come along
                I know you would follow me, and keep me strong


                  And the prize was to decide who will dominate in our skype sexy session. LOLOL. it was fun.
                  An excellent prize for any good-natured competition! I love it.


                    Originally posted by Stubborn Hope View Post
                    An excellent prize for any good-natured competition! I love it.
                    I don't think anyone wouldn't like that ;P But yeah, I was actually going to ask the same question, but more on the line of is it ok NOT to text once in a while. Me and my SO text almost everyday and we talk about what went on and whatnot, but usually no more than5-10 after we start talking, she has to go do stuff with her friends, so we never really get to TALK like we use to :P But since she's going to school and I go to work, we don't talk much except for me saying that I'm going to be (because at the end of the day, I get tired lol). But like today, I didn't text her at all and she's not the needy type, so I'm not going to really worry about it unless she brings it up for whatever reason. I told her goodnight and that I really loved her (I used her name which I only do when I'm in a really loving mood), but she didn't text me back. Oh well :P can't force someone to do what you want them to do haha


                      Same thing happens to me... and its hard to spice things up because he´s not much of a talker. But all the ideas above seem great!


                        Originally posted by isabelj96 View Post
                        Same thing happens to me... and its hard to spice things up because he´s not much of a talker. But all the ideas above seem great!
                        Hi Isabelj96 - welcome to LFAD! There are lots of great ideas on here for so many things and it's fun to see different people's experiences. Just always take a look at the dates when you respond to a thread. The last post on this was from 2011.
                        To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

                        ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


                          Originally posted by Daylan View Post
                          I don't think anyone wouldn't like that ;P But yeah, I was actually going to ask the same question, but more on the line of is it ok NOT to text once in a while. Me and my SO text almost everyday and we talk about what went on and whatnot, but usually no more than5-10 after we start talking, she has to go do stuff with her friends, so we never really get to TALK like we use to :P But since she's going to school and I go to work, we don't talk much except for me saying that I'm going to be (because at the end of the day, I get tired lol). But like today, I didn't text her at all and she's not the needy type, so I'm not going to really worry about it unless she brings it up for whatever reason. I told her goodnight and that I really loved her (I used her name which I only do when I'm in a really loving mood), but she didn't text me back. Oh well :P can't force someone to do what you want them to do haha
                          Its definitely not difficult to get into a rut in communication habits when in a LDR. I am still trying to wrap my head around my bf sometimes taking 1/2 a day or longer to text. That used to really bother me, but we are starting to vid chat more, so I could live w/that. For the life of me I can't seem to get him to text me more, but when I said I want more communication, so far he seems more open to vid chatting if he isn't busy. I would talk to your partner and see what they say.


                            Originally posted by NewToLongDistance2016 View Post
                            Its definitely not difficult to get into a rut in communication habits when in a LDR. I am still trying to wrap my head around my bf sometimes taking 1/2 a day or longer to text. That used to really bother me, but we are starting to vid chat more, so I could live w/that. For the life of me I can't seem to get him to text me more, but when I said I want more communication, so far he seems more open to vid chatting if he isn't busy. I would talk to your partner and see what they say.
                            His post was from Nov 2011 - 5 years ago. Hopefully he has it figured out by now.
                            To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

                            ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


                              Originally posted by elizabethjp2010 View Post
                              I feel like my SO and i are in a texting rutt.

                              everytime we text

                              Hi baby
                              hello my love
                              whats up
                              nm.... you
                              not really
                              i love you
                              i love you too

                              or something along those same lines, i want to spice up our texts (not sexually)
                              I just feel like we always say the same things, it doesnt matter if you read it as me first than him, or him first than me

                              its always the same!!!

                              does anyone else feel like this? what are some things we can do to fix it?
                              There is an LDR list on LFAD for ideas of what two people can do in a LDR.

                              First Visit: September 2016
                              Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
                              Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

                              John 3:16
                              For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
                              John 4:12
                              I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

