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    I posted a thread on here a few weeks back about how my SO never wanted to talk on the phone or FaceTime and I did talk to him and it got better for while but now it's back to how it was before.. We have not facetimed in 2 weeks and havent talked on the phone in even longer than that. I ask him all the time if we can and he says he is busy. We have been fighting a lot about that and I also about him visiting me- I went to visit my sister in Virginia and would only be 4 hours away from him vs a usual 8 hours and told him I would be willing to drive half way and meet him and he refused. We fought about that because I felt like he just didn't want to take the time to see me. The other day he said that I have been really pushy and it has pushed him away. We used to text almost all day everyday and now it is just a few times a day and I can tell some thing is bothering him. I don't know what to do! I don't want to loose him but I feel like I have tried everything and said sorry 1000 times and he just can't move on. Sorry of this was a ramble I'm just a little distraught right now :/

    No need to apologize for the ramble though I don't think you did.

    That is a tough situation. What are the reason that he is "busy"? Are they real reasons like work, school, studying cost of calling or family issues? If it is those then I get that he cant take extra time SOMETIMES. There is no real reason I can see for not taking the time maybe at least once a week. But if it is for no real reason, then you really do need to make him talk about it because it is an issue. Communication is important.

    Just let him know that you miss his voice and that when you see him you feel so much better. IDK, sometimes men need to hear that and then they are better at being able to talk and work with you on communication. But if he is just being lazy and coming up with excuses then you need to make it an issue and let him know that a relationship takes two and that he needs to meet you half way. Whether in distance or in phone calls.
    Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

    I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


      Did he tell you the reason why he refused to drive half way to meet you? I mean you guys don't get to see each other often and he doesnt even want to drive just 2 hours? How long have you guys been dating? And did you asked him what he means by you being too pushy? Communication is important in a relationship.

      Talk to him and let him know how you feel. If he does f want to make this work he should t be leading you on


        I just realized I never replied to this.. He says he is busy because of work and school but he had time when we first started dating and all the sudden he has no time.. I will try calling him and he never answers.. And he never wants to talk about this problem.. He says I have changed but I try so hard to just act like nothing had happened as just move on but he is just acting do dif. His reason for not driving to see me was that it would be late and he had to work the next morning.. He stays up late all the time anyways so I didn't see why this was an issue. I really don't know what to do and I'm afraid if we don't talk about it soon were gonna break up.


          Sounds strange to me. You're his love and yet he can't even be bothered to contact you? I'm sorry but it sounds wierd to say the least. I know this is putting it kinda bluntly but it sounds to me as though he's not all that concerned about trying to keep up the contact. I doubt he could hardly be busy all the time, surely he must have some time with you to spend? I'd really try and talk to him about this if you can and get the chance. Cause communication is key in an LDR and he's clearly missing that.

