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He will be here in May!

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    He will be here in May!

    My boyfriend will be here in May, around the time of our one year anniversary and while I am pretty excited, I am also trying to sort out things to do when he's here. I want to show him my world here, show him places that mean something to me, but my mom also thought of a fun thing to do. She thought that going to this half bowling alley/half bar & grill would be fun. I actually agreed with her that it would. I also had the idea to go to Chuck E Cheese. Now, before anyone laughs at me, he's actually asked me if I would go up to the one where he lives at when I moved and assumed I would say no, but I actually said yes. There's nothing wrong with embracing that inner child in you! I am probably gonna wanna rent movies with him and purposely get some scary ones - for the cuddling effect lol. I wanna go to the lake, which he's already agreed to, by my house, because not only is it a place I have gotten away at for years, it would be incredibly romantic. Especially at night. The moon, the chapel, and the city lights hit it just right. I did get lucky that I'm living in Dallas, so there's quite a bit to do, but I am curious, what things do you do besides the cuddling, lovey-dovey stuff while on a visit?
    candi ❤ austin
    ❤ First Meeting [Texas] 2.17.2012 - 2.23.2012 ❤
    ❤ Second Visit [Wisconsin] 4.23.2012 - 4.30.2012 ❤
    ❤ Got Engaged 5.11.2012 ❤
    ❤ Closed The Distance June 24th, 2012 ❤

    I think the lake thing sounds awesome! Walks in big parks that have a lot of flowers are always nice to stop and get food and just have a picnic at. Scary movie rentals are always good. Make a huge dinner together! Bake and get some of the batter on his face. Food fights are always fun (even when you clean it up together). And chuck E. cheese is great! Any new museum exhibits in town, those are always fun too.
    Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

    I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


      Originally posted by Bethypoo View Post
      I think the lake thing sounds awesome! Walks in big parks that have a lot of flowers are always nice to stop and get food and just have a picnic at. Scary movie rentals are always good. Make a huge dinner together! Bake and get some of the batter on his face. Food fights are always fun (even when you clean it up together). And chuck E. cheese is great! Any new museum exhibits in town, those are always fun too.
      I actually am close to more than a few parks and he's actually pretty big on parks, himself so that is a good idea. A picnic is a cool idea too! Thanks for that. The only thing about the food fight, is I am at my parent's house Lol. We have quite a few museums, too. We have one that is a house that this old couple donated in the 1800's, I think, so it's actually a house, yet a museum. It's a bit eerie being in there, yet it's kind of cool, because it has so much history and you wonder what happened here and there. Thanks for the ideas, truly appreciate them!

      I also have another question, what do you girls have in hand for your SO's when they first land or get there on the bus or however they traveled to you? I was thinking of having an energy drink, at the very least for him. He will be taking the bus instead of a plane so he will be on the bus for a good solid day or so to come down here and he loves energy drinks. So, I thought it could help a little bit.
      candi ❤ austin
      ❤ First Meeting [Texas] 2.17.2012 - 2.23.2012 ❤
      ❤ Second Visit [Wisconsin] 4.23.2012 - 4.30.2012 ❤
      ❤ Got Engaged 5.11.2012 ❤
      ❤ Closed The Distance June 24th, 2012 ❤


        I didn't have anything when I picked him up at the airport, but I had a little welcome to canada basket waiting for him when we got to my house with all things canadian. Chuck e Cheese is sweet, i went all the time when I was little but they have new rules that you aren't allowed in unless you are accompanied by children.


          My SO and I always do lots of stuff. We go to museums, festivals, parties, restaurants, the zoo, the movies, the pool! We also love driving around during nighttime. We even had a week long road trip!


            I think you have the right idea with giving him a guided tour of "your" Dallas; showing him the City through your eyes. How long will he be staying? If his visit's only a couple of weeks at most, you may find that what you have planned is quite enough!
            As for when you meet him when he arrives, I reccommend his favourite energy drink/coffee (if you don't know his favourite, find it out!), complete with a packed lunch - his favourite sandwich? A local delicacy? - so he can have something to eat if he's starving, maybe a single stem of his favourite flower (use discretion, here; some men secretly really dig getting flowers, and some don't), and definitely a big card with his name on it that you can hold up as a joke, and to help him spot you in the crowd (if you can acquire a chaffeur's cap, or a men-in-black style ensemble with black suit, white shirt, black tie, earpiece and some sunnies, all the better!).
            And, of course, an enormous hug and kiss!
            Oooh, now, I'm all excited for you! *lol*


              Thanks for all the ideas. I didn't even think of the movie theatre. I am not sure if he's totally up for it, but I am going to ask. The last movie he saw in the theater was Silent Hill so it's been awhile. It's also been awhile for me. I think we're going to go in the renting movies and snuggle camp over the theatre But maybe, both. Who knows? As far as Chuck*E*Cheese, thanks for the heads up. Also, me holding a card with his name would be a bit silly - but would get a laugh out of him, as the bus station he's stopping at will be one where I am sure I will be the only person inside the bus station (I'm in Dallas, but in a suburb; Carrollton and that bus station barely gets anyone going in and out of it). He's told me his favorite energy drink before (I tricked him into telling me when I kept getting Amazon Gift Cards so I could surprise him but they didn't have it, he does not actually like me buying him things), but I have since forgotten what it was. I know he does not really care for Amp Energy drinks, but will "tolerate" them. He will be arriving in my town at 8:10 PM so food, an energy drink, all that would definitely probably be more than just helpful for him. Me and my SO are pretty mushy, but I am not sure how down he'd be with me giving him flowers xD!

              He will be only staying a week, instead of a few weeks. He has kids to return home to and things of that sort to worry about, so again, just a week. But a week is better than nothing! I am super excited. My mom has told me she wants to cook on the grill when he gets here. He got super excited, lol. I was thinking of having Mr Squeakers in hand (monkey I posted about that he gave me) Thank you all for the ideas. I am excited. I get butterflies when I think of picking him up at the bus station<3
              candi ❤ austin
              ❤ First Meeting [Texas] 2.17.2012 - 2.23.2012 ❤
              ❤ Second Visit [Wisconsin] 4.23.2012 - 4.30.2012 ❤
              ❤ Got Engaged 5.11.2012 ❤
              ❤ Closed The Distance June 24th, 2012 ❤

