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bootcamp advice

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    bootcamp advice

    hi im new here! my name is jessica.i have been with the same guy since my sophmore year in highschool. He just left for bootcamp and i am having a hard time. I miss him like crazy and i am scarred he is going to give up and leave me.we have lived together for about five months. I have abandoment issues because my mom left me when i was little. he says he loves me and he is willing to do whatever it takes to work and he also wants to marry me when he gets out of making my self sick! im just asking for some sort of imput.

    Well, if you think about it logically, he's much more likely to stay with you in boot camp than outside of it. Think about it--the overwhelming majority of the people he's surrounded with are other dudes, he's doing intense physical work day in and day out, and has no connection with the outside world other than letters and maybe the occasional phone call. He's probably thinking about you constantly. I would try not to worry so much.


      It's my understanding that bootcamp is very hard-going for new recruits, so he probably looks forward to when he gets his five minutes or whatever on the computer/phone to chat to you, every so often, like a drowning man looking for driftwood! I suspect you will have the power, at this time, to become the high point in his difficult, stressful day/week, and he will rely heavily on your support to keep him happy and motivated, reminding him why he's going through all that in the first place!
      Be aware that contact may not be frequent, or even regular, and that your care packages may get rifled through before they get to him. However, do keep up the contact as much as you can, and try to be strong - not just for him, but also for yourself - because he loves you, and right now, you are pretty much the avatar of his life outside the camp, and what he has to look forward to.
      Good luck!


        Whilst he's in Bootcamp there will be no communication perhaps a letter. Write him letters though, and eventually he will be given phone privileges. Until then, loads of letters!
        Last edited by DarkStarrx; December 6, 2011, 11:25 PM. Reason: my failure to read
        “But now, I know, how absence can be present, like a damaged nerve, like a dark bird.”


          Originally posted by CynicalQuixotic View Post
          Well, if you think about it logically, he's much more likely to stay with you in boot camp than outside of it. Think about it--the overwhelming majority of the people he's surrounded with are other dudes, he's doing intense physical work day in and day out, and has no connection with the outside world other than letters and maybe the occasional phone call. He's probably thinking about you constantly. I would try not to worry so much.


          to the OP:You have issues with that, but it doesnt mean everybody you love will leave you. Not sayig it in a harsh or rude way, but have you considered therapy? It might help a lot your life.
          our story.


          02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

          "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


            I would have to agree with everyone else. I actually plan to join the Coast Guard and will be leaving for basic training/ bootcamp sometime next year (The recruiter already has my application and is just waiting for medical documentation). Let me just say that leaving my girlfriend is definitely not an option. She gives me the strength to carry on through the stresses and challenges of everyday life. She's my motivation and I wouldn't leave her even if you paid me.
            1 Corinthians 13:2 "If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, then I am nothing."

            LFAD Book Reading Challenge Goal: 26 books before January 2013
            Progress: 3/26
            Current Read: Genghis: Bones of the Hills by Conn Iggulden
            Next Read: Kahn: Empire of Silver by Conn Iggulden


              Write him letters a lot and trust that he will stay with you Boot camp will go by a lot faster than you think and when it's over you will be a very happy person and so will he!

              Madly in love with Michael

