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*hacks up a lung*

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    *hacks up a lung*

    Inspiration for another thread :P. Also time since I'm dying ;_;! I also need to mention I'm a bit of a hypochondriac XP.

    Anyway, I'm sick :'D! Yep, it sucks. It all started on Wednesday. I went to go see Enrique and to look for a house. For those of you that don't know (which is all of you XP), I finally got the settlement monies from my car crash that left me handicap :P. This is good. It means I have the means to move! Like I stated before, my family is following. This means we need at least a 3 bedroom house. I'm moving to North Long Beach. I'll let you determine how impossible that is D:<!

    Oh crap, distractions! Well, I was suppose to be there Tuesday. Unfortunately we locked the damn keys in the car and had to wait till the next day ;_;! When we got there, I was barely breathing. The major allergen here in Vegas those days was olive pollen. Not only am I allergic to pollen, but I'm badly allergic to olive. Last time I tried to nom on it I went into anaphalactic shock XP. Anyway, it was a sign to get the hell out as soon as possible :'D! I was, and I was breathing so much better in Los Angeles. Then it happened. I got flu and bronchitis symptoms ;_;! Add more insult to injury? I'm asthmatic XP. Yep, someone up there hates me.

    Now, I might be a bit of a hypochondriac, but that doesn't mean I go to doctors. I'm poor and uninsured. Why the hell would I waste money with a doctor? Well, besides survival. Stop trying to use logic on me! I did the stupid decision and manned it out the whole time. Even managed to have sex a couple times XP. It would've all been good if my symptoms didn't get worse. One night my fever got so bad I actually started to hallucinate. The only time that had ever happened to me that I remember is the last time I went into withdrawal where I couldn't even regulate my body temperature.

    This is where things get better. Enrique gets out of bed immediately, drags me to the bathroom (literally, handicap and hallucinating don't mix well), and pours freezing cold water on me until I can speak coherently and stop screaming. Then he drags me back to bed and keeps cooling me down with a cold, wet towel. He keeps doing this until I'm finally about to pass out. Then he lies down next to me and cuddles me. He has to do similar things for several nights XP.

    Daytime was just wrong. Every time he bought me food, I would end up vomiting it up. One time in a movie theater right next to his shoes. I barely missed! He never complained though any of this. Not even when he had work the next day and needed to get up early. Even weirder, he'd still kiss me. He bought me medication, food I couldn't keep down, and anything else I needed even though I was the one with more money. In the end, I left still sick and we found a good possible house. He accidentally forgot his jacket in the van though XP. It's here with me :'D!

    This all has a point! I want to know your experiences with your significant other regarding these things, regardless of who was the one who was sick/injured/menstruating. Have you been sick around each other yet? How about during a visit? if yes, how bad did it suck? @_@ How did the other half react to it? Negatively, positively, never told them, didn't even notice?

    Hi Darth! I'm a newbie here. In regards to illness, my honey and I had our first weekend as an LDR couple this past weekend and he was sick! We actually had a GREAT weekend otherwise, and I made sure to take care of him and make sure he took his medicine and made sure he was comfortable at all times. I think that when an SO is ill, we should give them a little bit of leeway. Sometimes they can be grumpy but we can't take it to heart! This is when they need us most! It's times like these that makes our relationships stronger. I don't believe relationships are ever completely 50/50. Someone always gives a little less, and the other must give more. I think relationships are more 60/40, 70/30, etc.

    Hope you feel better soon!



      We haven't been sick around each other yet. But I'm a bit of a hypochondriac too and it drives Joe crazy sometimes, lol. I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday because I've got these itchy bumps all over my body (possibly an allergic reaction to something) and this...thing on my breast that was eczema but looks more like an infection now. So I get my moods where I'm like, "omg, I have cancer!!!!!!" And Joe has to talk me down from that. That's why he doesn't want me visiting medical sites anymore because I over-analyze and self-diagnose myself with some rare disease based on one or two innocent symptoms. I just hope I can get everything cleared up before he visits on the 16th!

      I hope you feel better soon!


        We've been a little sick around each other, but nothing drastic. Generally Obi means well when I'm sick but doesn't really know what to do. His family aren't really big on taking care of each other so I guess he just never learned how. But he tries to always be there for me, makes sure I eat and drink and everything, and harps on about going to the doctors and gettting health insurance (which i still don't have in this country). Because I tend not to whinge too much he often forgets I'm sick when I am and it irritates me. He's really supportive when I menstrate though!

        He also doesn't understand that I want to baby him a little when he's sick, but I'm working on that!

        Hope you feel better soon!
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          Back in 2006 (and you'll see why I remember this so well in a sec), I was a nursing student and was doing a required May term clinical. It was our first clinical and its purpose was basically to put us on the CNA registry. Anyways... I was sick the entire 2 weeks of that clinical. We had to go every day for 2 weeks for 6 hours a day, the whole time I was running to the bathroom to get tissues because I had such a bad runny nose. I probably should not have been there in the hospital caring for patients looking back on it, but it was required and was a May term thing only; there was no making it up unless I waited till next year.

          I just thought I had a really bad cold. Really really bad cold. I didn't go see a doctor or anything though. Who would for a cold?

          So anyways in June, my clinical was over and I was recovered. I was left with a cough thought that lasted for about 2 months; not a sick cough though. Whatever I had had affected the back of my throat. I couldn't talk without getting a tickle in my throat and would always cough whenever I was talking with someone. It was the strangest thing, having that as a lasting effect of whatever I had been sick with.

          Anyway, so June 3rd? 4th? I went to Massachusetts to see Frank for the first time since deciding we were a couple. We had our first kiss and everything that weekend I was there. The whole time I was there, I was still coughing whenever I talked.

          So I leave Massachusetts, and a couple weeks down the road or so, Frank gets sick. He felt so awful and ended up going to the doctors. They tested him and figured out that he had mono.

          Mono! And I was curious... how the heck did Frank get mono? I didn't think it was me - his friend had it many many weeks before Frank had gotten sick and Frank tried to remember whether or not he may have drank out of the same bottle or something as his friend, but Frank is such a germophobe that he wouldn't do anything like that anyway. And the timeline just didn't work.

          So I wanted to see if I had been infected with mono, because maybe Frank had given it to me when I went to see him when he was in the dormant stage. I went and had a blood titer done, and I got a voicemail from the clinic saying that I had been infected with mono and my blood showed that my body had already recovered from it. (mono by the way is a virus that stays with you forever and is dormant in your body after you recover from it, like chickenpox).

          So I had given Frank mono with our first kiss! I had recovered from mono, but was still contagious.

          I have no idea how I got mono myself. I lived in a dorm, so I probably got coughed on or something by someone who had had it.
          Last edited by Michelle; May 4, 2010, 03:03 AM.
          Read my LDR story!


            Our first LDR weekend, I had swine flu... I didn't realise until waaay afterwards when all of my other friends got it and actually got diagnosed - just thought I had a really bad cold so didn't bother. Darth_Taco: I also still managed a few rounds of sex lol it's amazing how being really really ill doesn't stop it hehe.


              I'm sick now, but we've sadly not been able to visit (and wont for a while) so so far it's just been sickness from a distance. My SO kicks the sweetness up a notch whenever I'm sick. He tells me to get better soon because it makes him sad when I'm sick, babies me, etc. XD I love it. He offers to cuddle and take care of me (kind of sad since we physically can't, but still makes for cute *cuddles*) and says he would still kiss me even though it'd make him sick, because I'm worth it. Ahhh, I love him. Now if only I could get him to be that sweet all the time. >.>

              He's hardly ever sick. Basically, my SO is the I'm-not-afraid-of-disease-disease-is-afraid-of-me type, fights the power and fights it off really well. So I've only gotten to see him sick once. He had a bad headache and took his laptop with him to bed so I IM'd him until he fell asleep. 'Twas cute.


                Lol. We've seen each other in bad times, that is for sure! One time we were on a party, I was tired with stomach pain, and on the drive back to our place I vomited in top of him, his shirt was a mess!!!

